- The Java collections framework contains pre-packaged data
structures, interfaces, and algorithms
- Similar to the idea of the C++ Standard Template Library
- Since version 1.5.0, uses generics, as well
- Involves classes and interfaces in the package java.util
- A collection is a data structure, an object that stores groups
of other objects (or object references) in a single unit.
- In previous versions of Java, collections stored Object
- Since 1.5.0, generics are used, so exact types can be specified
Link to Tutorial Trail on the Collections Framework (Java web
What does the collections framework consist of?
Interfaces -- representing abstract data types. Operations are
not dependent on the physical storage representation
Collection - This is the root interface in the collection
Implementations -- reusable data structures. These are the
actual implementations, with specific storage setups.
Algorithms -- methods that perform common algorithms and
manipulations. Set up to be reusable across multiple types of
Collections -- this is a class that contains mostly static methods
for manipulating collections -- the algorithms
Quick reference to common collection interfaces and classes
- List: an ordered container that can contain duplicate
elements. In Java, an interface.
- Vector: Resizable array-based list of elements of same
type. Synchronized (for use in multi-threading).
- ArrayList: Like a Vector, but unsynchronized (faster than
Vector, typically)
- LinkedList: an implementation of a list where the data is not
consecutive, but rather a linear group of linked nodes
- Stack: a "last in first out" (LIFO) data structure. In Java,
it extends class Vector
- Queue: a "first in first out" container. Like waiting in line
to be served. An interface in Java
- PriorityQueue: an implementation of a queue that allows
elements to be inserted in such a way that higher priority elements
will be removed first
- Set: a collection that contains unique elements (like a
mathematical set -- no duplicates). An interface, in Java. Common
classes that implement are:
- HashSet: a set that stores elements in a hash table
- TreeSet: a set that stores its elements in a tree, a
non-linear group of linked nodes
- Map: Used for associating keys to values, in a one-to-one
mapping. (An interface in Java). Common classes that implement:
- HashTable - a hash table is a way to use key values from a
large range and still get high-speed lookups without using too much
- HashMap - like HashTable, but unsynchronized
- TreeMap - tree-based implementation of a Map