COP 3252 - Advanced Java Programming
Deitel Textbook code examples (7th ed.)
Lecture Notes, Outlines, and Examples
Intro to Java
Summary of basic differences, C++ vs. Java
for core intro-programming topics.
You can see more full notes pages on these intro topics from CGS 3416: Intro to Java course (a non-majors intro course). Use for reference as needed:
Core notes page link for the CGS 3416 course
Basic Building Blocks of Java
Control Structures - Intro, Selection
Control Structures - Repetition
Java Methods
More About Methods
(from an earlier version of the non-majors course, when it had a basic C++ pre-req)
Console I/O (including class Scanner)
Arrays - features added in Java 1.5.0
Classes and Objects
Strings and StringBuilders
The javadoc tool
Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces
Exception Handling
Nested Classes (and Inner Classes)
-- from the tutorials on
Simple example of static nested class and inner class
-- code example from lecture class
Sorting Arrays
Input and Output
This one is a video lesson done as a make-up lesson for the missed class day from the hurricane closure of FSU
You can find the video under "Course Media" on the Canvas course page
Basic GUI intro and Swing library intro
Graphics and Java2D
Links to textbook examples (viewed in class) of components, event handling, layout managers
Links to helpful pages from the Java Tutorial trails
Miscellaneous code examples
Bouncing Ball
-- illustrates use of the
class, to fire timed events. This example is a small animation
Networking Tutorial Trail (from
Multithreading in Java
Concurrency Tutorial Trail (from
Regular Expressions
-- Try building these regular expressions
-- Possible solutions to the above exercise
Review pages
Review Checklist for Test 1
Review checklist for Test 2
Review checklist (material since test 2)