Pass By Reference

Declaring a reference variable:

To delare a reference variable, we use the unary operator &
  int n = 5;          // this declares a variable, n 
  int & r = n;        // this declares r as a reference to n 

In the above example, r is now a reference to n.  Another way of thinking about it is to think of r as a nickname, or alias, for n.  Both variable names now refer to the same storage cell in memory.  To declare a reference variable, add the & operator after the type.  Here is a small example program that uses a reference variable and illustrates what it is:   r.cpp

Note:  The notation can become confusing when different sources place the & differently.  The following three declarations are equivalent:

  int &r = n; 
  int& r = n; 
  int & r = n; 

The spacing between the "int" and the "r" is irrelevant. All three of these declare r as a reference variable that refers to n.


In the example from the link above, you can see how a reference basically works, but you will never use it this way!!  In this example, the variable and its reference are in the same scope.  So, when are references useful?  When the two variable names are in different scopes. You will find references useful when you write functions -- passing parameters and return values.

Look at this example program:  byval.cpp.  This has a function called Twice, which should take in two integer parameters and double them.  Notice that the original variables from the main program are not affected by this function.  The parameters constitute a one way flow of information -- the function cannot change the original x and y!
Now look at this example:  byref.cpp.  Run it with the same input values.  Notice that the Twice function does change the original variables that were passed in!  Why?  The parameters were only references to the original data locations, not copies!

The first example of parameter passing is usually called Pass By Value.  The second is an example of Pass By Reference.

Pass By Value -- The local parameters are copies of the original arguments passed in.  Changes made in the function cannot affect the original arguments.
Pass By Reference -- The local parameters are references, or nicknames, for the original argument variables passed in.  Changes made in the function will affect the originals.

Bottom Line:

**  If you need to modify an argument to a function, you can make the argument a reference type in the function declaration!

Note:  This also works the same for return types.  A return by value means a copy will be made.  A reference return type sends back a reference to the original.

int Sum(int x, int y);        // return value is passed by value
int& Sum(int x, int y);       // return value is passed by reference

Const Reference Parameters:

The keyword const can be used on reference parameters.


  • Passing by value means we make a copy of the value being passed, and it means the function cannot change the original.
  • Passing by reference or address means we don't make a copy of the data, and so the function can change the original data.
  • What if we want a function that does not have to go through the overhead of copying a parameter (perhaps a very large object being passed in), but we also don't want the original to be changed?  Then we can protect the original by declaring the parameter as a const.


    The format:    const typeName & v
    This establishes v as a reference to an object that cannot be changed through the use of the variable v.


     int Function2(const double & r);

    Here, r cannot be changed in the function body, but no copies are made -- we're looking at the original.