Declaration (Prototype) Format:
return-type function-name( parameter-list );
// Good function prototypes double Average(double x, double y); double Average(double, double); char GetACharacter(); void PrintValues(int count, double amount); // BAD prototypes double Average(double x, y); // Each parameter must list a type PrintData(int x); // missing return type void Calculate() // missing semicolon
2) Definition - a function definition repeats the declaration, and adds to it a function body. The body is the code that is implemented when the function is called.
Definition Format:
return-type function-name( parameter-list ) { function-body (declarations and statements) }
Note that variables in the parameter-list, along with any variables declared inside the function body, are local variables. They only have scope within the function definition itself.
To return a value (from a function with a non-void return type), use the keyword return:
return expression;
The keyword return can also be used in a void function, to force early exit. In this case, use it by itself:
A return statement will force immediate exit from the function, and
it will return the value of the expression to the caller.
3) Call - a function call is a command to execute a function. A call must use the function name and must pass in appropriate arguments. Return values must be used correctly.
In keeping with the "declare before use" policy, a function call can
be made ONLY if a declaration (or definition) of the function has been
seen by the compiler first.
int Sum(int x, int y); // declaration (ends with semi-colon) int Sum(int x, int y) // Here is the definition (no semi-colon after header) { return (x + y); } int main() { int a = 5, b = 7, c; c = Sum(a, b); // function call, assigning return value to c }
Important: Function calls must agree with the expected
types in the function declaration (prototype). Also, the function
definition must match the function prototype.
Example 1 -- Program with function
Example 2 -- Function call example
with good and bad function calls.
int Compute(int x, int y, int z = 5); double RunAround(char x, int r = 7, double f = 0.5); double Jump(int a, int b = 2, int c); // This one is illegal. Why?
Using the first example above, the function calls in the following code segment would both be legal:
int a = 2, b = 4, c = 10, r; cout << Compute(a, b, c); r = Compute(b, 3);
Notice that the first call to the Compute function passes three arguments.
The second call only passes two. Since no third argument was passed,
the third parameter of the Compute function (z) will take it's default
value (5).
The combination of a function's name and it's parameter list is often known as the function signature. Using this definition, two functions in the same scope are considered different (and distiguishable by the compiler) if they have different signatures.
int Process(double num); // function 1 int Process(char letter); // function 2 int Process(double num, int position); // function 3Notice that although all three functions have the same exact name, they each have a different parameter list. Some of them differ in the number of parameters (2 parameters vs. 1 parameter), and the first two differ in types (double vs. char). The compiler will distinguish which function to invoke based on what is actually passed in when the function is called.
x = Process(3.45, 12); // invokes the third function above x = Process('f'); // invokes the second function
int Process(double x, int y = 5);this function would conflict not only with function 3 above (which already takes a double and an int), but it also conflicts with function 1 above, since we could invoke this one by just passing in a single parameter (the double).