Use the two previous review sheets for checklists on material covered
prior to tests 1 and 2. Final exam is cumulative. Below is a checklist
for new material since Test 2 (or prior material that was expanded on).
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Derived class (or subclass) inherits all of the features (data
and methods) of the base class (or superclass)
Know how to derive a class from another, with keyword
class DerivedClass extends BaseClass
The use of super to invoke parent constructors
and methods
Understand overriding methods in derived classes
Understand the uses of final, when applied to a class
and/or to a method
Every class is derived in some way from class Object.
Understand these 3 special methods inherited from Object by
every class:
Understand the modifier protected, and what it means
when applied to class data and methods
Abstract classes and their relationship with abstract methods
Understand polymorphism and dynamic binding
How base class variables can be attached to derived class
If class D is derived from base class B, as object of
type D can be assigned to a B variable. Similarly, the D object
can be passed into a method where a parameter of type B is
Base class methods can be overridden in derived classes
Fynamic binding allows method calls (through base class
variables) to still invoke child versions of overridden
Know when casting is necessary between parent and child, and when
it is not
Understand the instanceof operator, and when it is useful
in casting between related reference types
Know how a class declares that it will implement an interface (i.e.
keyword implements)
class ClassName implements InterfaceName
Understand what it means when a class implements an interface.
Specifically, the class must implement the methods listed in the
Understand relationship of data and methods with interfaces (i.e. what
kind of data and methods go in an interface?)
Understand the basic interfaces discussed in examples
(Comparable and Clonable)
Understand the usage of interface types and base class types, and
how they relate to the derived types:
If class A implements interface I, an object of type A
can be assigned to an I variable. Similarly, the A object
can be passed
into a method where a parameter of type I is expected
Know the rules on extending classes, extending interfaces, and
implementing interfaces
A class can directly extend only one class
A class can implement many interfaces
An interface can extend many interfaces
GUI Intro -- concepts and basic libraries
Basic Concepts
java.awt -- original Java GUI package
javax.swing -- newer GUI package containing the library of
"Swing components"
Know what a component is
Know what a container is
Know the three "top-level" containers!
Know what an event is, and how it relates to GUI
Painting with class Graphics
Understand when the paintComponent() method gets called for
a component. Especially the "system-level triggers" that were
Understand what kinds of drawing can be done inside
paintComponent() through the Graphics class
These include draw methods for shapes like: lines, ovals,
polygons, round rectangles, arcs, and strings
Understand the calls we've seen in examples that used class
Graphics, including the draw and fill methods, as well as the
methods for changing colors and fonts
Understand the basic use of the Color class, to create a
color using the RGB color scheme, or one of the Color constants
Understand the basic use of the Font class, to create a
Recall that to create a font, you must specify:
Font name (physical name or logical (family) name)
Font style (plain, bold, italics, or both bold and italics)
Point size
Know how to set up a polygon (it requires sets of x,y coordinates,
and it can be set up with two parallel arrays, one for x
coordinates and one for y coordinates), and how to draw it with
class Graphics
Understand the difference between the Graphics and
Graphics2D classes
Understand the Graphics2D methods draw() and
fill(), as well as what types of things constitute
Shapes that can be passed in
Understand the basic shape types in the Java2D framework, including
Understand all of the drawing examples we've looked at so far in
class (Ch. 12)