Test 2 Review Checklist
These are the new topics covered since test 1.
Methods (i.e. functions)
Method Basics
- Know what a method is
- Reasons for writing methods (divide-and-conquer, reusability)
- Perspective: builder vs. caller
Using Methods
- Know how to call a method
- syntax
- passing arguments
- using the returned value
- Understand how they are like mathematical functions
- Predefined methods
- methods in libraries
- static vs. instance -- know the difference in the call syntax
Building Methods
- Prototype -- name, return type, parameter list
- Know the format
- Know what to specify in the parameter list
- Header includes modifiers (like public and static), as well as
- Definition -- header, along with method body
- the keyword return -- returning values from methods
- using the formal parameters in the method
- Scope (and how it relates to methods)
- Meaning of scope
- Variables local to function blocks
- Variables local to internal blocks (like loop bodies)
- Scope of method parameters
- void as a return type
- Empty parameter lists
- Method overloading - methods with same name and different
parameter lists
Know how to construct a String object
Know the common String methods: length(), concat(), equals(),
compareTo(), charAt(), substring(), trim(), toLowerCase(),
toUpperCase(), replace(), valueOf(), and the concatenation operator
Know the difference between String and
- Know the common StringBuilder methods: append(), insert(),
delete(), along with common methods that work the same as
for String (charAt(), length() for example), and know
how to construct one
Understand arrays, this includes multi-dimensional arrays
- Know how to declare an array variable, and then create the array
with the new operator
int[] array1 = new int[size];
Understand how array indexing is used, this includes
multi-dimensional arrays
Remember array indexing starts at zero and NOT
array =
{1, 2, 3, 4},
{5, 6, 7},
Then array[1][2]
is equal to 7.
Know that the length of an array (say named
) can be
found by using array.length
Know that the reference (name) of an array can point to any array
of that type
(two array references can point to the
same array)
Understand all the ways to declare an array variable. All the
are the same and are legal
(the first is the preferred way):
int[][][] thingy;
int[][] thingy[];
int[] thingy[][];
int thingy[][][];
Understand how to declare, create, and initialize an array all at
int[] bubba = {2, 5, -56};
- Know how to pass arrays in and out of methods
- Know how to interpret and how to write an enhanced for-loop,
especially for use with arrays
- Understand how to interpret and how to write a variable-length
parameter list on a method. Know when it is legal to do so
Some practice array algorithms to try (coding practice)
(You should be able to do these and other similar array algorithms)
- Compute and print the sum (product, average) of the elements of a
numerical array.
- A method that returns the maximum element of an array
- A method that prints all array elements that are between two given
values (parameters)
- A method that counts up all the even numbers in an array
- A method that returns an array that contains all odd elements from
an original array (incoming parameter)
Classes and Objects
- Objects and classes and the relationship between them
- Understand how to declare an object reference variable and
then create the object with
, along with how
to invoke the chosen constructor
- Understand how objects are passed in and out of methods
- Constructors:
- Know what a constructor is for
- Know how to identify a constructor in a class definition (i.e.
the constructor has the same name as the class and no return
- Know how to invoke a constructor (when building an object with
- The modifiers public and private
- Accessor and mutator methods
- The special toString() method
- The static modifier, and the difference between
static variables and methods vs. instance variables and methods, as
well as which variables can be accessed from which methods
- The keyword this
- Class scope vs. local scope (like in a method)
- Arrays of objects (array of reference variables, each can attach to
an object)
Programming hints
Here is a sample programming problem similar to how I might ask a
question on the test.
Sample Exercise
Write a method that will return the number of elements in an array
that are greater than a given number.
Given this sample main
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] array = {14, 6, 3, 2, 8, 5};
System.out.println("Given the following: array = ");
System.out.println("The number of elements greater than 5 is " +
greater(array, 5));
The output is:
Given the following: array = {14, 6, 3, 2, 8, 5}
The number of elements greater than 5 is 3
Write the method called greater