Using Java Libraries
While there are still a number of fundamental basic programming concepts
still to be covered, we would also like to be able to start using existing
libraries in the Java SDK as quickly as possible. To that aim, this
outline will provide "just enough" to illustrate basic core usage of
existing Java class libraries.
Builder vs. User
With any re-usable programming construct, we have two points-of-view that
should always be considered:
- the builder is responsible for declaring and
defining how some module works
- the user (or caller) is somebody (i.e. some portion of
code, often some other module) that makes use of an existing module to
perform a task.
Note that for the purposes of this topic (Using Java Libraries), we are
looking at things from the user's perspective. In other words, what do we
need to know to use an existing Java library from the SDK, along
with it's various already-defined features.
We will look at how to build things like functions, classes,
interfaces, etc. later on.
What's in the Java SDK?
- There are mulitple kinds of library constructs to consider, including:
- classes
- interfaces
- packages
- classes and interfaces with generic type parameters
- classes and interfaces are grouped into packages
- packages are named into categories and subcategories, separated by the
dot-operator. Examples of packages:
- java.lang
- java.util
- java.util.concurrent
- If a class is inside a package, we can refer to the whole name by
referring to the package name, dot-operator, then class name. Examples:
- java.lang.String
- java.util.Scanner
- classes and interfaces can contain:
- fields (i.e. data variables)
- methods (i.e. member functions)
Right now, we will focus on the usage of class libraries.
Using a Java class
The import statement
- If you are using any item from the package java.lang, you
don't need to do anything special. Everything from java.lang is
automatically imported for use into every Java program you write
- For a class out of any other package, you need to put an
import statement at the top of your file, to let the Java tools
(compiler and loader) know what libraries to pull in
- Basic form:
import <package_name>.<class_name>;
- Examples:
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
- Wildcards - if you are going to be using many classes
from the same package, you can tell the compiler to import all classes
from a single package with the * wildcard character (meaning
"all"), in place of a single class name. Examples:
import javax.swing.*; // imports all classes in javax.swing package
import java.util.*; // imports all classes in java.util package
Note that in this last one, for example, it does not import all
classes in the sub-package java.util.concurrent. It only
imports classes directly inside the base package that is specified.
API descriptions
- The API description for a Java class gives all of the information you
need to be able to syntactically use it correctly
- Starts with description of the class, in a general documentation
- Field Summary
- This section lists data fields that you might want to use
- Often, these are constants, but not always
- This chart lists the variable names, descriptions, and their
- Constructor Summary
- This section lists the constructor methods that are available for
this class
- Constructors are related to the creation of objects
- This chart provides the parameter list for each constructor
- Method Summary
- This section lists the methods that are available for this class
- For general class usage, this will typically be the most
relevant set of features that you will want to call upon
- This chart provides the full prototype, or declaration, of
each method
- first column shows the return type, and whether the method is
static or not (more on this later)
- Second column provides method name, as well as list of expected
parameters, and a short description
- For all of these items, the names (of the variables, constructors, and
methods) are also links to more detailed descriptions of the items, which
are further down the page
- Here's an example API to look at, to see the various sections:
How to use static fields and methods
Example: the java.lang.Math library
- API:
- Note that all fields and methods in this class are
- class Math has two fields, which are common mathematical constants.
Sample usage:
double area = Math.PI * radius * radius; // compute area of a circle
- Sample calls to static methods from Math
area = Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2); // area of circle, using power method
y = Math.abs(x); // computes absolute value of x
System.out.print(Math.random()); // prints random value in range [0,1)
int die = (int)(Math.random() * 6) + 1; // roll a standard 6-sided die
- Example codefile:
How to use instance fields and methods
- Recall that an instance field or method is one that is
not declared to be static. Instance is the default
- To call upon instance fields or methods in a class library, you have
to create one or more objects from that class
- A class is a blueprint for building objects.
- Syntax for building an object:
className variableName = new className( parameter(s) );
- In this format, the first part is the declaration of a reference
className variableName
- new is a keyword of the language, and that part of the
statement builds a "new" object, and runs a special initialization
function called a constructor. This is what the parameters are
- Examples:
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
JButton myButton = new JButton("Click Me");
String s1 = new String();
- Once you have declared one or more objects, call upon fields and
methods with the dot-operator, as before, but for instance members, use
the object's name (i.e. the reference variable) on the left of the dot:
objectName.fieldName // fields
objectName.methodName(arguments) // methods
- Example uses:
int x = input.nextInt();
myButton.setText("Stop clicking me!");
Example: the java.util.Random library
- API:
- This library is for generating pseudo-random numbers
- How computers do "random" number generation
- It's really a "pseudo-random" generator
- Start with a "seed" value
- The seed is used as the input to an algorithm, which generates a
seemingly randomized number
- Each "random" value generated becomes the seed for the next one
- Start with the same seed, and you'll get the same random numbers!
- Creating objects of this type:
Random r1 = new Random(); // uses the system time to create seed
Random r2 = new Random(1234); // uses 1234 as the seed
- In the above statements, r1 and r2 refer to objects of type
Random -- they both can generate a pseudo-random sequence of
- Sample calls to these objects:
int x = r1.nextInt(); // gets a random integer
int y = r1.nextInt(10); // gets a random integer from 0-9
double z = r1.nextDouble(); // gets a random double in range [0,1)
- Example codefile: