Overview of Programming and Java
Main Components of a computer
- CPU - Central Processing Unit: The "brain" of the computer
- ISA - Instruction Set Architecture: the specific set of low-level
instructions available to a CPU. Differs for various CPU types
(Intel Pentium, Mac G4, etc)
- ALU - Arithmetic & Logic Unit
- responsible for performing arithmetic calculations, as well as
logical operations (comparisons for equality, inequality, for
- Main Memory (RAM - Random Access Memory)
- storage close to CPU
- Faster to access than hard disk
- stores executing programs and data being currently worked on
- Secondary Memory
- hard disk, floppy disk, CD, DVD, etc.
- Input devices
- mouse, keyboard, scanner, network card, etc.
- Output devices
- screen/console, printer, network card, etc.
- Operating System
- Examples: Mac OS, Windows XP, Linux
- Controls computer operations
- Manages allocation of resources for currently running
Memory Concepts
- bit: a binary digit
- Stores the value 0 or 1
- Smallest unit of storage in a computer
- byte: 8 bits
- Smallest addressable unit of storage in a computer
- Storage units (variables) in a program are 1 or more bytes
- Each byte in memory has an address (a number that
identifies the location)
Programming, and Programming Languages
- Program - a set of instructions for a computer to execute
- Evolution of Programming languages
- Machine Language
- Based on machine's core instruction set
- Needed by computer, hard for humans to read (1's and 0's)
- Example: 1110110101010110001101010
- Assembly Language
- translation of machine instructions to symbols,
slightly easier for humans to read
- Example: ADD $R1, $R2, $R3
- Well, we know it has something to do with addition!
- High-level procedural languages
- Abstraction of concepts into more human-readable terms
- Closer to "natural language" (i.e. what we speak)
- Easy to write and design, but must be translated for computer
- Examples include C, Pascal, Fortran
- Object-oriented languages
- Abstraction taken farther than procedural languages
- Objects model real-world objects, not only storing data
(attributes), but having inherent behaviors (operations,
- Easier to design and write good, portable, maintainable code
- Examples include Smalltalk, C++, Java
- Bridging the gap between high-level code and machine code
- Interpreted languages -- source code is directly run on an
interpreter, a program that runs the code statements
- Compiled Languages
- A compiler program translates source code (what the
programmer writes) to machine language (object code)
- A linker program puts various object code files together into
an executable program (or other target type, like a DLL)
- C and C++ are compiled languages
- Java is a mix of both!
Building Programs
Software development
Involves more than just writing code
- Analysis and problem definition
- Design - includes design of program or system structure, algorithms,
user-interfaces, and more
- Implementation (coding)
- Testing - can be done during design, during implementation, and after
- Maintenance - usually the major cost of a software system. Not
part of "development", but definitely part of the software life cycle
The Java Language
- Java is a programming language that evolved from C++
- Both are object-oriented
- They both have much of the same syntax
- Began in the early 90's, originally used for programming in
intelligent consumer-electronic devices (internal chips, etc).
- Was originally named Oak by its creator, but changed when it was
reliazed that there was already a language called Oak
- When the Web took off in the early 90s, Java gained popularity for use
in adding dynamic content to web pages
- While applets surely helped Java gain quick popularity, they are by
no means the most important use of the language
- Java is now used for a wide variety of purposes, and its large and
rich set of pre-built packages makes it a very popular choice of software
- The Java language specification is owned and controlled by Sun
- API (Application Programmer Interface) documentation for standard
libraries available on the Sun web site
- Standard Development Kit, along with other development tools can be
downloaded from java.sun.com
- Latest version is Java SE 6 -- Java Standard Edition 6.0
Compiling and Running a Java program
- Java code compiled to an intermediate level -- bytecode
- bytecode runs on an interpreter -- the Java Virtual
- Each platform needs its own JVM, but the same bytecode (generally
speaking) runs on any JVM on any platform (i.e. the compiled version
is portable)
- Typically Slower runtime than languages like C++, since running on an
interpreter (and due to other factors)
Basic Creation and Execution of a Java program
- Create source code with a text editor, store to disk
- Source code is just a plain text file. In Java, we give the filename
an extension of .java to identify it as a source code
- Compilation -- The compiler does syntax
checking, translation to bytecode in files with the
.class extension
- bytecode is a translation of the source
code to an intermediate level of code
- Execution of Java program
- The loader is part of the Java Virtual Machine
- It loads the bytecode into memory and executes the instructions
via an interpreter for the given platform (Windows, Mac, Linux,
Integrated Development Environments
- An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software package that
includes all necessary tools for creating a program. Typcially includes:
- Text editor
- Compiler
- Loader
- Debugger
- ability to launch and run applications from within IDE
- Other useful tools
- Java IDEs frequently use the Java Standard Development Kit (SDK) tools
underneath, and provide a graphical interface through menus to access the
underlying tools.
- Examples of Java IDEs
Some Important Java Tools
- javac - java compiler
- java - java interpreter
- jar - the java archive utility
- javadoc - utility for auto-generating Java documentation API
- JSP - Java Server Pages
- JRE - Java Runtime Environment
- J2SDK - Java 2 Standard Development Kit (sometimes
JDK, Java Development Kit, for short) -- includes JRE
A managed language like Java has its own strengths and weaknesses.
By way of example, here is a general comparison of Java against a fully
compiled language like C++
Some benefits of Java (over C++) -- IMHO
- Vast collection of packages available in the Standard Development Kit (SDK)
- Easy-to-use API descriptions in HTML format on the Sun web site
- Standard format for building API descriptions for classes
- Easier to build programs with graphic interfaces (GUI)
- latest packages for GUI (Swing classes) not platform specific
- compiled bytecode runs on multiple platforms
- In C++, one would commonly have to use the GUI libraries for each
different platform
- Some syntax has been made simplified
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) does some things for you
- Automatic garbage collection (for dynamically allocated objects)
- more dynamic run-time checking
- automatic dynamic binding and polymorphic behavior
Some benefits of C++ (over Java) -- IMHO
- Programmer has more control and power in C++
- In C++, programmer responsible for the details
- Control over addresses with pointers
- More control over efficient execution time and resource
- C++ programs will typically run faster, because
- compiled to machine's native instruction set
- dynamic allocation doesn't have to be used for all objects
- programmer has more power to optimize what they want
- C++ still has some extra and versatile features (that Java doesn't),
like operator overloading and multiple inheritance
Programming is about Problem Solving
- Algorithm - a finite sequence of steps to perform a specific
- To solve a problem, you have to come up with the necessary
step-by-step process before you can code it
- This is often the trickiest part of programming
- Some useful tools and techniques for formulating an algorithm
- Top-down Refinement: Decomposing a task into smaller and
simpler steps, then breaking down each step into smaller steps, etc
- Pseudocode: Writing algorithms informally in a mixture of
natural language and general types of code statements
- Flowcharting: If you can visualize it, it's often easier to
follow and understand!
- Testing - algorithms must also be tested!
- Does it do what is required?
- Does it handle all possible situations?
- Syntax vs. Semantics
- Syntax -- the grammar of a language.
A syntax error: "I is a programmer."
- Semantics -- the meaning of language constructs
Correct syntax, but a semantic error: "The car ate the lemur."
A sample Java program
import java.util.Scanner; // brings in a library
class Sample // class that contains this program
public static void main(String[] args) // main function, start of program
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); // creation of object to
// read keyboard input
int year = 2014; // an integer variable declaration
String entry; // a String variable
System.out.println("Welcome to Java Programming " + year);
System.out.print("Type 'Q' to quit: ");
entry = input.next(); // read input from user
} // end of main()
} // end of class block
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