Subclasses and superclasses
- Inheritance is a technique that allows one class to be
derived from another.
- A derived class inherits all of the data and methods from the original
Example: Suppose that class Y is inherited from class X.
- class X is the superclass. Also known as base
class or parent class
- class Y is the subclass. Also known as the derived
class, or child class, or extended class
- class Y consists of anything created in class Y, as well as
everything from class X, which it inherits
Declaring a subclass
Use the keyword extends to declare the derived class
// Example 1
public class AAA // AAA is the base class
{ ... }
public class BBB extends AAA // BBB is the derived class
{ ... }
// Example 2
public class Employee {...} // base class
public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee { ... } // derived
The keyword super
- When you create a derived object, the derived class constructor needs
to invoke the base class constructor
- Do this with the keyword super -- in this context, it acts as
the call to the base class constructor
super(); // invokes base class default constructor
super(parameters); // invokes base class constructor with parameters
// Example, for a class called HourlyEmployee, derived from Employee
public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee
public HourlyEmployee() // default constructor
super(); // invokes Employee() constructor
public HourlyEmployee(double h, double r)
super(h,r); // invokes Employee constructor w/ 2 parameters
// ... more methods and data
} // end class HourlyEmployee
- The call to super() must be the first line of the derived
class constructor
- If explicit call to parent constructor not made, the subclass'
constructor will automatically invoke super(). (the
default constructor of the base class, if there is one)
- Can also use super to invoke a method from the parent
(from inside the derived class). Format:
The protected modifier
- Recall that public data and methods can be accessed by anyone,
and private data and methods can be accessed only by the class they are
- protected data and methods of a public class can
be accessed by any classes derived from the given class (this is also
true in C++)
- In Java, a protected member can also be accessed by any class
in the same package (to be discussed later)
The final modifier
In addition to creating constant variable identifiers, the keyword
final can be used for a couple of special purposes involving
- When used on a class declaration, it means that the class cannot be
extended. (i.e. it cannot become a parent class to a new subclass)
- When used on a method declaration, it means that the method cannot be
overridden in a subclass. (i.e. this is the final version of the
Method Overriding
Although the derived class inherits all the methods from the base class,
it is still possible to create a method in the derived class with the same
signature as one in the base.
- Suppose a class Rectangle is derived from class Shape.
- Shape has a method:
void Draw() { ... }
- We can define a method in class Rectangle with the same signature.
The derived class version will override the base class version,
when called through an object of type Rectangle.
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); // create a Rectangle object
// which has all the Shape methods available
r.Draw(); // invokes the Draw method from the
// Rectangle class
- Note that the Rectangle class' Draw() method can still invoke
the superclass' method, with the keyword super
public void Draw()
super.Draw(); // invoke parent's Draw()
// continue with any processing specific to Rectangle
In-class Example
Here's a link to the code example we wrote up in class. Base class is
Shape, and Circle is derived from Shape. The file contains
some sample calls
Abstract Classes
- Superclasses are more general and subclasses are more specific.
- Sometimes a base class is so general that it doesn't make sense to
actually instantiate it (i.e. create an object from it).
- Such a class is primarily a grouping place for common data and
behaviors of subclasses -- an abstract class.
- To make a class abstract, use the keyword abstract (which is
a modifier)
public abstract class Shape
- Now that Shape is abstract, this would be illegal:
Shape s = new Shape(); // specifically, it's new Shape();
// that is illegal
Methods can be abstract as well:
The Object class
In Java, every class is derived automatiacally from a class called
Object. If no specific inheritance is declared for a class, it
automatically has Object as a superclass.
While there are several methods in class Object, here are
three important such methods, inherited by every Java class
- public boolean equals(Object object)
- public String toString()
- public Object clone()
Let's look at each.
public boolean equals(Object object)
tests whether two objects are equal
object1.equals(object2) // returns true if equal, false if not
// (object1 and object2 same class type)
Default implementation is:
public boolean equals(Object obj)
return (this == obj);
Note that this default implementation is equivalent to the ==
operator, since it only tests the reference variables for equality.
The intent is that subclasses of Object should override the equals
method whenever they want a test of equality of two objects'
public String toString()
returns a string that represents the object. Call format:
The default version of the string might not always be useful, but this can
be overridden in any derived class. Example for a class called Fraction:
public String toString()
return numerator + "/" + denominator;
Assuming the above function for a Fraction class, the following
illustrates its usage:
Fraction f1 = new Fraction(4,5); // create the fraction 4/5
System.out.print(f1.toString()); // will print "4/5"
System.out.print(f1); // also prints "4/5" as this
// always invokes a class' toString method
public Object clone()
Remember, direct assignment between object names will only copy one
reference variable to another. Use the clone() method to make
copies of objects.
newObject = someObject.clone();
Not all objects can be cloned. Only objects imeplementing the
java.lang.Cloneable interface (which will be discussed later)
can use the clone method.
The clone() method from the object
class does a "shallow copy" (i.e. copies reference variables verbatim). If
a "deep copy" is needed (a la copy constructors in C++), you should
override clone() for a class.
Other methods from class Object
- finalize -- called by garbage collector to perform to
perform cleanup on an object. Can be overridden, but rarely done
- getClass -- returns an object of type Class,
with information about the calling object's type
- hashCode -- returns hash value that can be used as a key
for the object (for use in a hash table, for example)
- notify, notifyAll, wait -- related to