Special Update for Assignment 6

Please note that I have made an adjustment to the starter file piglatin.c. The reason is to work around what is apparently another bug in the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 software.

The original version of the posted file had this constant declaration:

  const int MAX = 40;
And I had used this as the size for the character arrays that were declared in main(). While this is legal, because the size is known at compile time (being a constant), Visual C++ seems to think it isn't.

I've changed this to the pre-processor statement:

  #define MAX 40
which it appears that Visual C++ will accept. And using a symbolic constant like this will give us the same intended result.

I've also added a newline to the front of the following print statement. This was intended to be there -- its omission was just a typo:

  printf("\nPig Latin version of the 5 words:\n");

Please make sure you re-download the new copy of this starter file, or make the given changes to your copy of it.