//----------------- PIP6.CPP ----------------- // Test program and general support functions // for phone directory #include // for toupper #include // for cin, cout #include "fonebook.h" // for class Directory using namespace std; void ShowMenu() // Display the main program menu. { cout << "\n\t\t*** PIP 6 PHONE DIRECTORY ***"; cout << "\n\tI \tInsert a new entry into the directory"; cout << "\n\tL \tLook up an entry"; cout << "\n\tR \tRemove an entry"; cout << "\n\tU \tUpdate an entry"; cout << "\n\tD \tDisplay the entire directory"; cout << "\n\t? \tDisplay this menu"; cout << "\n\tQ \tQuit"; } char GetAChar(char* promptString) // Prompt the user and get a single character, // discarding the Return character. // Used in GetCommand. { char response; // the char to be returned cout << promptString; // Prompt the user cin >> response; // Get a char, response = toupper(response); // and convert it to uppercase cin.get(); // Discard newline char from input. return response; } char Legal(char c) // Determine if a particular character, c, corresponds // to a legal menu command. Returns 1 if legal, 0 if not. // Used in GetCommand. { return ((c == 'I') || (c == 'L') || (c == 'R') || (c == 'U') || (c == 'D') || (c == '?') || (c == 'Q')); } char GetCommand() // Prompts the user for a menu command until a legal // command character is entered. Return the command character. // Calls GetAChar, Legal, ShowMenu. { char cmd = GetAChar("\n\n>"); // Get a command character. while (!Legal(cmd)) // As long as it's not a legal command, { // display menu and try again. cout << "\nIllegal command, please try again . . ."; ShowMenu(); cmd = GetAChar("\n\n>"); } return cmd; } void main() { Directory d; // Create and initialize a new directory. ShowMenu(); // Display the menu. char command; // menu command entered by user do { command = GetCommand(); // Retrieve a command. switch (command) { case 'I': d.Insert(); break; case 'L': d.Lookup(); break; case 'R': d.Remove(); break; case 'U': d.Update(); break; case 'D': d.DisplayDirectory(); break; case '?': ShowMenu(); break; case 'Q': break; } } while (command != 'Q'); }