//----------------- ENTRY.CPP ----------------- // Definition of class Entry for a phone directory. // Note that although we need iostream.h, we don't mention it here, // since is already included in "ENTRY.H" #include // for strlen, strcpy #include "entry.h" // for class Entry //---------- Operator Overloads --------- istream& operator >> (istream& s, Entry& e) // read in data through overloaded >> operator { s.getline(e.name, 20); // Gets a name; discards newline. s.getline(e.phoneNumber, 20); // Gets a phone; discards newline. s.getline(e.address, 20); // Gets an address; discards newline. return s; } ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const Entry& e) // print an entry using the overloaded << operator { int i; s << '\t' << e.name; // Display name (after tabbing). // Display remaining blanks, so that data lines up on screen. for (i = strlen(e.name) + 1; i < 20; i++) s.put(' '); s << '\t' << e.phoneNumber; // Display phone number. for (i = strlen(e.phoneNumber) + 1; i < 20; i++) s.put(' '); s << '\t' << e.address; // Display address. s << '\n'; return s; } //---------- Member functions ---------- Entry::Entry() // This constructor for class Entry initializes the name, phone number, // and room number to be blank strings. { strcpy(name, " "); strcpy(phoneNumber, " "); strcpy(address, " "); } char* Entry::GetName() // Return the name part of an entry. { return name; }