Introduction to Operating Systems

COP 4610, Fall 2003
Department of Computer Science,   Florida State University

Class time and location: Tuesday and Thursday 5:15-6:30PM at LOV 101.

Recitation sessions: Wednesday, 08:00-08:50AM, 09:05-09:55AM, 11:15AM-12:05PM, and 12:20-1:10PM at LOV 301.

Instructor: Dr. Xiuwen Liu, LOV 166 (Love Building), 644-0050,,   Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 02:30-04:00PM or by appointments.

Teaching Assistant: Yong Chen, (LOV 203E?), Email: Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 04:00-5:00PM or by appointments.

Course Home Page:
This web page contains the up-to-date information related to this class such as announcements, assignments, lecture notes, some useful links, and more. You are required to visit this web site on a regular basis.

Course Description: This class covers the basic principles of operating systems, in particular, their functionality, major subsystems, such as process management, memory management, file system management, and I/O management, and related design issues.

Prerequisites: COP 4530 - Data Structures, Algorithms, and Generic Programming; CDA 3101 - Computer Organization. Proficiency in programming using C/C++.

Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course of study a student:

Required Textbook: Operating Systems, by Gary J. Nutt, Third Edition, Pearson / Addison Wesley, 2003.

Notes and programming examples will be given along the lectures and will be in most cases available on the class web page.

Student Responsibilities: The study of Operating Systems is cumulative (i.e., an understanding of earlier material is necessary to grasp later covered concepts). Past experience has shown a high relationship between absences and low grades. Attendence is required and it is very important that you make every effort to attend every class. This course also requires substantial time outside of class (the actual amount is dependent on a student's progress in the class). Therefore, a student should be aware of the dedication this course requires.

Assignments and Projects: Review exercises will be assigned to help you read and understand the covered chapters and do NOT need to be turned in. Homework will be assigned along the lectures. Quizzes will be given randomly with or without prior notification. There will be three programming projects based on the UNIX operating system using C/C++.

Submission and Return Policy: Homework and programming assignments must be submitted in hardcopies. Electronic mail submissions are accepted only with the prior consent of the TA. All tests/assignments/homework will be returned as soon as possible after grading. Any tests not picked up by the student will be kept for one week after the start of the next semester. No make-up exam will be given without the consent of the instructor prior to the scheduled test date. Unless prior arrangements have been made, assignments are due IN CLASS on the due date.
Late Penalty will be 10% per class for homework assignments and projects. Assignments will NOT be accepted after answers are discussed or handed out either in the class or on the web.

Grading Policy: Scores will be determined as follows:
Assignment PercentageAssignment Percentage
Homework15 %Lab 2 10 %
Quizzes5 %Lab 3 10 %
Lab 110 % Midterm20 %
Final (Cumulative)30 %    

Grading will be based on the following scale suppose the weighted average is S:
ScoreGrade ScoreGrade ScoreGrade
93 <= SA 80 <= S < 83B- 67 <= S < 70D+
90 <= S < 93 A- 77 <= S < 80C+ 63 <= S < 67D
87 <= S < 90B+ 73 <= S < 77C 60 <= S < 63D-
83 <= S < 87B 70 <= S < 73C- S < 60F

Tentative Schedule
  Note: There will be a class calendar on the class web page with up-to-date and detailed schedule.
1 Chap. 1 Class Organization
Introduction to OSs
2Chap. 2 Using the Operating SystemsLab 1 assigned
3Chap. 3 OS Organization 
4Chap. 4 Computer Organization 
5Chap. 5 Device ManagementLab 2 assigned
6Chap. 6 Process ManagementLab 1 due
7Chap. 8 and 9 Process Synchronization 
8Chap. 7 Scheduling 
9Chap. 10 DeadlockMidterm(Weeks 1-8)
10Chap. 13 File Management 
11Chap. 11 Memory ManagementLab 3 assigned
12Chap. 12 Virtual MemoryLab2 due
13Chap. 14 Protection and Security 
14Chap. 15-18 Issues in Distributed OSLab 3 due
15Chap. 19-21 Case Studies  
16 FINAL EXAM(Cumulative) Thursday, Dec. 11

Programming assignments/written assignments/quizzes/exams are to be done individually, unless specified otherwise. It is a violation of the Academic Honor Code to take credit for the work done by other people. It is also a violation to assist another person in violating the Code. (See the FSU Student Handbook for penalties for violations of the Honor Code.)

The judgment for the violation of the Academic Honor Code will be done by the TA, the instructor and a third part member (another faculty member in the CS department not involved in this course). Once the judgment is made, the case is closed and no arguments from the involved parties will be heard. Examples of cheating behavior include but not limited to: discuss the solution for a homework question; copy and modify programs.
Penalty for violating the Academic Honor Code: A 0 grade for the particular homework/project/exam and a reduction of one letter grade in the final grade for all parties involved. A report will be sent to the department head for further administrative actions.

Accommodation for Disabilities: Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should: 1. Register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC); 2. Bring a letter to the instructor from the SDRC indicating you need academic accommodations. This should be done within the first week of class. This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.

© 2003, Florida State University. Updated on August 23, 2003.