Points: 100 points
Due: Week 5, Tuesday, September 23, 2003
pnts) Why does a script file always start with “#!”?
pnts) Suppose we have a Perl script file named “simple-perl.pl” under the
current working directory, which is given below.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
@a = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
foreach $b (@a)
"b" . $b . "\n";
"a" . @a . "\n";
What is the equivalent command to “./simple-perl.pl” if we want to run “/usr/bin/perl” directly?
c) (15 pnts) Outline the changes you need to make to the simple-shell.cc program given in the class so that it can be used as a command interpreter. The resulting interpreter accepts the internal commands and runs external programs.
2. (15 pnts) Problem 7 in the textbook on page 149: part a only, i.e., only the algorithm for summing two floating-point numbers.
3. (15 pnts) Problem 8 in the textbook on page 150.
4. (15 pnts) Problem 9 in the textbook on page 150.
5. (10 pnts) Problem 2 in the textbook on page 188. (Note that for a procecss tcompute and tdevice can be requested in any order; in other words, a process may perform I/O first and then computation.)
6. (15 pnts) Problem 11 in the textbook on page 189.