COP 4342-01
Home Page, Spring 2024



Introduction (HTML format)

Introduction (PDF format)

General utilities in detail (HTML format)

General utilities in detail (PDF format)

Highlights of the filesystem (HTML format)

Highlights of the filesystem (PDF format)

"The" shell (HTML format)

"The" shell (PDF format)

BASH (HTML format)

BASH (PDF format)

Bash, continued (HTML format)

Bash, continued (PDF format)

Program development: Makefiles (HTML format)

Program development: Makefiles (PDF format)

Program development: Source debugging (HTML format)

Program development: Source debugging (PDF format)

Numerical Tools (PDF format)

Numerical Tools, part 2 (PDF format)

Other Material

Linux Weekly News (usually abbreviated "LWN")

2008-09-02: Really, really small ELF binaries: A Whirlwind Tutorial on Creating Really Teensy ELF Executables for Linux

2008-09-11: A classic article on TeX: TeX: A Non-Review by Herbert S. Wilf (This is located at JSTOR, so you will need to use a campus network to read this article.)

2015-09-16: A really, really large example of a Bash script: Testssl, from https://www.testssl.sh

2019-01-11: The DECSYSTEM-20 at Columbia University 1977-1988

2019-01-16: Bash cheat sheet

2020-02-19: Interview with Richard Hipp

2022-05-17: Some new ideas on old programs

2023-02-14: Another "shell" alternative

2023-03-28: Why write your own regexes when there is AI?

2024-01-11: Why use emacs, from a casual user's viewpoint

2024-01-11: texteditors.org

2024-02-27: To code or not to code

2024-03-28: Sed in the wild

2024-04-09: GNU's Coreutils and CLI text processing

2024-04-18: Simple LaTeX example, newton-raphson.tex, test.dot, nr.c