Useful ideas
- Listing files and display text and binary files
- Copy, move, and remove files
- Search, sort, print, compare files
- Using pipes
- Compression and archiving
- Your fellow users
- Communicating with other users
Special characters
- The following lot tend to have meaning to the shell, so be careful when trying to use them:
& ; | * ? ' " ` [ ] ( ) $ < > { } # / \ ! ~
Quoting special characters
- You can quote special characters in three ways
- Use the backslash
- Use single quotes
- Sometimes use double quotes, but some of the previous lot may still be interpreted
$ echo '$PATH'
$ echo '$PATH'
Very useful utilities
- ls → list directories and files
- rm → remove files and directories
- cat → "catenate" a file
- less, more, pg → page through files
- hostname → display what the kernel thinks of as a "hostname"
- ls has a ton of options; some of the most useful are
- -b → show non-graphical characters in a useful fashion
- -a → show all directory entries, including those beginning with a period
- -d → named directories are not descended into
- -l → show long information
- -i → show inode number
- ls options
- -h → "human" readable; this option has become quite common among utilities
- -t → order by modification time
- -r → reverse the ordering
- -1 → only file per line
- cat has very few options
- -n → number all output lines
- -v → show graphical characters
- rm and its most useful options
- -i → prompt before removal
- -r → remove recursively
- -f → don't ask questions and don't make comments (okay, the man page actually phrases this as "ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt")
less (another pager along the lines of more and pg)
less, continued
- CTRL-L → repaint the screen
- g → go to a particular line
- /pattern → search for a pattern (use '*' at the beginning of the pattern to search multiple files)
- :n → go to the next file
- cp has several very useful options
- -a → "archive" mode; attempts to preserve as many attributes as possible in the copy
- -i → prompt before overwriting
- -l → just create a new hard link rather copying (rsnapshot uses this to cleverly make its snapshots)
- -r → make a recursive copy
- mv does not have a lot of very useful options, but -i
- -i → inquire before overwrite
- lpr has two particularly useful options
- -P PRINTER → specify a printer
- -# COUNT → print COUNT copies of a file
- ap2s has two very useful options
- -o FILENAME → send output to a file rather than the default printer
- -P NAME → send output to a printer NAME rather than the default printer
- grep is a very powerful and useful program; there is a version fgrep that is also quite useful for fixed strings
- -i → ignore case
- -v → invert match
- -c → count matching lines
- -l → show files with matching lines
- -h → suppress prefixing of files names
- -H → print the file name for each match
- -C LINES → print LINES of context for each match
- head prints initial lines
- -n LINES → print LINES of the file
- tail prints final lines
- -f → "follow" a file as it changes
- -n LINES → print LINES of the file
- sort lets you sort a file
- -u → print only unique lines
- -b → ignore initial blank lines
- -n → numerical sort
- -r → reverse a sort
- -k → specify a key
- -t → field separator
- uniqueness
- -i → ignore case
- -u → print only unique lines
- file and directory differences
- use the system call pipe(2), a distinguishing characteristic of Unix
Four more utilities
- echo
- date
- script
- unix2dos
$ date --iso-8601
$ date '+%A'
- date also lets you change the system date
- script lets you record your session (but with lots of control characters...)
dos2unix, unix2dos
- Unix and Microsoft Windows use different conventions for end of line. One easy way to convert between the two is with dos2unix and unix2dos. I have never needed any options when doing this.
Compression and archiving
- xz
- unxz
- xzcat
- bzip2
- bzcat
- bunzip2
- gzip
- zcat
- gunzip
- tar
- cpio
- Up and coming format; really nifty how you can just cat two xz files together!
xzcat, unxz
- xzcat → Catenate a .xz file
- unxz → uncompress a .xz file
bunzip2 and bzcat
- Reverse bzip2; bzcat by default goes to stdout
gzip, zcat, gunzip
- Older standard, still pretty common
top and htop
- Show pretty comprehensive information about what is going on
- htop is not as common
w, who, last
- w and who let you see who else is on the system
- last lets you see login sessions, both current and older
$ w
10:52:34 up 40 min, 3 users, load average:
langley tty8 :0 10:12
$ who
langley tty8 2015-09-08 10:12 (:0)
- uptime gives you a very brief description of the system
$ uptime
10:53:20 up 40 min, 3 users, load average:
- shows memory utilization for the entire system.
- use the -h option, it's the flexible and readable
$ free -h
total used free
Mem: 15G 3.3G 12G
-/+ buffers/cache: 1.8G 13G
Swap: 59G 0B 59G
- allows or prevents write messages
- y for allow, n for don't allow