Flex and lexical analysis

Flex and lexical analysis

From the area of compilers, we get a host of tools to convert text files into programs. The first part of that process is often called lexical analysis, particularly for such languages as C.

A good tool for creating lexical analyzers is flex, based on the older lex program. Both take a specification file and create an analyzer, usually called lex.yy.c.

Flex is reasonably compatible with the UTF-8 encoding for Unicode.


Attributes for tokens

One common characteristic of standard lexical analysis (but certainly not universal) is the assignment of types; another is passing attributes to the caller.

Upon recognizing a numerical constant, for instance, the scanner might pass back the the type (e.g., integer), the lexeme string, and the value as an C int.

Upon recognizing an identifier, the lexer might pass back the type (e.g., identifier), the lexeme string, and a pointer to information about the identifier.

General approaches to lexical analysis

Use a tool, like flex or re2c. (Example: code)

Write a one-off analyzer in your favorite programming language. (Most common strategy these days.) For example, you can use libc's strtok() function. (Example: code)

Write a one-analyzer in assembly. (Usually done for bootstrapping purposes, though lexical analysis in assembly against a mmap(2) can be an exceedingly fast technique.)


While it might be found in some libc's, you might also have to link explicitly with -lfl.

The lexer function is called yylex(), and it is quite easy to interface with bison/yacc.

*.l file --> flex --> lex.yy.c

lex.yy.c --> C compiler --> lexical analyzer

input stream --> lexical analyzer --> actions taken when rules applied

Using Flex

Flex source structure:

{ definitions }
{ rules }
{ user subroutines }



The form of rules are

regularexpression     action

The actions are C code.

Flex's regular expressions

s       literal string s

\c      character c literally

[s]     character class

^       beginning of line

[^s]    characters not in character class

s?      s occurs zero or one time

Flex's regular expressions

.       any character except newline

s*      zero or occurrences of s

s+      one or more occurrences of s

r|s     r or s

{s}     grouping

$       end of line

s{m,n}  m through n occurrences of s


a*       zero or more a's

.*        zero or more of any char except newline

.+        one or more characters

[a-z]     a lower-case letter

[a-zA-Z]  any letter

[^a-zA-Z] not a letter


a.b       a followed by any char then followed by b

rs|tu     rs or tu

a(b|c)d   abd or acd

^start    "start" at the beginning of line

END$      the characters END followed by end-of-line

Flex actions

Actions are just C code. If it is compound, or requires more than a single line, enclose with curly braces.


[a-z]+      printf("found word\n");
[A-Z[a-z]*  { printf("found capitalized word:\n");
          printf("   '%s'\n",yytext);

Flex definitions

The form is simply

name definition

The name is just a word beginning with a letter (or underscore, but I don't recommend those) followed by zero or more letters, underscores, or dashes. The definition actually from the first non-whitespace character to the end of line. You can refer to it via {name}, which will expand to your definition.

Flex definitions

For example:

DIGIT [0-9]

is equivalent to


Flex example

%{   int num_lines = 0;
     int num_chars = 0;
\n {++num_lines; ++num_chars;}
.  {++num_chars;}
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  printf("# of lines = %d, # of chars = %d\n",
         num_lines, num_chars);


Another example

digits   [0-9]
ltr      [a-zA-Z]
alphanum [a-zA-Z0-9]
(-|\+)*{digits}+      printf("found number: '%s'\n",yytext);
{ltr}(_|{alphanum})*  printf("found identifier: '%s'\n",yytext);
\.                    printf("found character: {%s}\n",yytext);
.                     { /* ignore others */ }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
