Please download the files words.txt and Assignment-Bash-regex.bash.
Your assignment is to modify "Assignment-Bash-regex.bash" to recognize words in the words.txt file matching five different regular expressions.
Please change the values of the variables named "regex1" through "regex5" to so that each of those are an extended regular expression (i.e., it must use a regular expression with back references), and it must contain no single, fixed characters; use only character classes such as "\w" or "[:alpha:]" to refer to elements of the Latin alphabet. (I.e., you cannot write regex2 as regex2="^(r)(e)(d)\3\2\1$", although of course that does match the single six letter palindrome in the file.)
"regex1" should recognize these (and only these) five letter palindromes from words.txt:
civic kayak level madam minim radar refer rotor sagas sexes shahs solos stats tenet
"regex2" should recognize this six letter palindrome from words.txt (and nothing else):
"regex3" should recognize this seven letter palindrome from words.txt (and nothing else):
"regex4" should recognize these words that contain at least two instances of the same doubled characters (and no other words); for example, "willfully" should be recognized since it has "ll" twice, and "riffraff" should be recognized since it contains "ff" twice):
Boccaccio Chancellorsville Greensleeves Mississauga Mississippi Mississippian Mississippians Okeechobee Tweedledee aggressiveness aimlessness allegorically artlessness assassin assassinate assassinated assassinates assassinating assassination assassinations assassins assertiveness assess assessed assesses assessing assessment assessments assessor assessors assiduousness beekeeper beekeepers beekeeping blessedness blissfulness bossiness breathlessness carelessness cheerlessness childlessness classiness classless colloquially cookbook cookbooks crassness crisscross crisscrossed crisscrosses crisscrossing crossness dauntlessness dillydallied dillydallies dillydally dillydallying dispossess dispossessed dispossesses dispossessing dispossession dissoluteness dressiness elliptically endlessness expressionless expressiveness faithlessness fearlessness flibbertigibbet flibbertigibbets foolproof footloose footstool footstools formlessness freebee freebees freewheel freewheeled freewheeling freewheels fruitlessness fussiness glossiness gracelessness grossness harmlessness heartlessness heedlessness helplessness hillbillies hillbilly homelessness hoodoo hoodooed hoodooing hoodoos hopelessness humorlessness illegally illogically impressiveness intellectually joblessness lawlessness listlessness massiveness messiness mindlessness muumuu muumuus noiselessness parallelled parallelling passionless peewee peewees permissiveness pizzazz pointlessness possess possessed possesses possessing possession possessions possessive possessively possessiveness possessives possessor possessors powerlessness prepossess prepossessed prepossesses prepossessing prissiness reassess reassessed reassesses reassessing reassessment reassessments recklessness relentlessness remissness repossess repossessed repossesses repossessing repossession repossessions restlessness riffraff ruthlessness schoolbook schoolbooks schoolroom schoolrooms scuttlebutt selflessness senselessness shapelessness shiftlessness skillfully sleeplessness spotlessness squeegee squeegeed squeegeeing squeegees tactlessness tastelessness teepee teepees thoughtlessness timelessness tirelessness uselessness volleyball volleyballs voodoo voodooed voodooing voodooism voodoos weightlessness whippersnapper whippersnappers willfully worthlessness
"regex5" should recognize the following words that contain at least three instances of doubled characters (and no other words); "bookkeeper" should be recognized, since it has "oo", "kk", and "ee", and "keenness" should be recognized since it has "ee", "nn", and "ss".
Chattahoochee Mississippi Mississippian Mississippians Tallahassee Tennessee addressee addressees aggressiveness barrenness bookkeeper bookkeepers bookkeeping cheerlessness committee committees greenness heedlessness keenness noncommittally possessiveness rottenness sleeplessness stubbornness subcommittee subcommittees successfully suddenness sullenness unsuccessfully whippoorwill whippoorwills woodenness woolliness
Please submit your Assignment-Bash-regex.bash file on Canvas by 11:59pm on Sunday, September 29 (you don't have to tar it up.)