Filter(s) | Use |
cat | "Catenate" a file. |
base64 | Encode/decode "ASCII armor" |
diff | Take the difference in two files |
grep/egrep/fgrep | Apply regular expressions to a bytesream |
fmt/pr/nl | Apply formatting to a file. |
head/tail | Show the initial/final lines of a bytestream. |
less/more/pg | Display one page at a time. |
cut/paste | Excerpt and join input. |
sort | Sort |
tr | Transform a bytestream. |
uniq | Find/Remove/Count unique lines in a bytestream. |
spell | Find problematic spellings (ispell is great for interactively fixing spelling problems.) |
xargs | Build and execute command lines from standard input |
sed | The stream editor; arbitrarily modify lines in a bytestream. |