Build a new Linux From Scratch (LFS) system using QEMU's x86_64 emulation for your platform.
Building Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a challenging and rewarding exercise for a system administrator. In doing this assignment, you will become thoroughly familiar with all of the parts of a Linux system.
To do this assignment, you will need to create a new QEMU image file to host your x86_64 system:
% cd qemu-images % qemu-img create lfs.img 10G
I recommend using a 10 gigabyte partition; LFS is a source code install with heavy testing requirements, and 10 gigabytes give you a generous amount of space to work in.
As to your "host system", my suggestion is to use Salix 14.1's 64bit live image. Salix is a Slackware distribution, and it is an outstanding platform to build LFS from. However, if you prefer another distribution, such as Fedora or Debian, please feel free to use it instead.
Once you have your live image, you can boot it and start working on your LFS installation:
% qemu-system-x86_64 -hda lfs.img -cdrom salixlive64-mate-14.1.iso -boot d -m 2048 -enable-kvm
The installation book for LFS 7.9 can be found here.
When you finish chapter 6.70.1 of the installation manual (the vim installation), copy your "lfs.img" file to a new file name, "lfs-6.70.1.img".
When you finish, please put both your final lfs.img and your intermediate lfs-6.70.1.img files on two different flash drives (which of course must both be larger than 16 gigabytes), and give those to me. Once I receive these drives, I will use QEMU to verify that your image boots into LFS 7.9, is able to compile new code, and that its networking works.
You may submit your images to me any time until class on Wednesday, July 27 my office hours on Thursday, July 28. However, if you plan to work on this assignment, start early, because it is not possible to finish this assignment without a substantial time commitment.
There is no partial credit for this optional assignment. If all components work correctly (boot, compilation, and networking), you will receive 5 extra points on your final grade for the class. Again, I strongly recommend that you do not wait until the last minute to start on this exercise.