Fall 2010: Syllabus for CNT-5605-01
Assignment guidelines (extracted from the syllabus)
Email and the Web (html format)
Physical environment (html format)
A simple program to display parent/child fork(2) information.
A small program to display parent/multiple children fork(2) information.
I highly recommend reading comp.risks (you can read it in rdf format at http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/rdigest.rdf, or via email --- instructions are at http://www.csl.sri.com/users/risko/risksinfo.html) or adding its RSS feed at http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/risksatom.xml to your feed browser. Also, you might want to join the FSU Nolenet mailing list.
Reference to the Tanenbaum-Torvalds discussion of micro versus macro: Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution; Appendix A, The Tanenbaum-Torvalds Debate
The Evolution of the Unix Time-sharing System
2008-06-09: An Email about a SAN here at FSU: SAN Issue -- root cause explanation
2008-06-09: An Email about a Mailman problem here at FSU: Mailman problem
2008-06-11: An Email about a ClamAV problem with respect to Selinux: ClamAV/Selinux problem
2008-06-13: Reference for enjoyable book on networking:
Network Warrior
by Gary A. Donahue
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: June 01, 2007
Print ISBN-10: 0-596-10151-1
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-59-610151-0
Pages: 598
2008-06-16: Morgan Stanley and AFS: When Your Business Depends On It: The Evolution of a Global File System for a Global Enterprise
2008-06-16: Relatively recent (2006) NFS operations resource: Linux NFS-HOWTO
2008-06-27: 2008 article on top-level domains in the New York Times: New Flavors for Addresses on the Web Are on the Way
[ 2010-08-23: So, where are we at with the above article? Current List of Internet Top Level Domains ]
2008-07-07: Article on consumer views of service downtimes in the New York Times: As Web Traffic Grows, Crashes Take Bigger Toll
2008-07-09: Article on patching DNS flaw: Vendors form alliance to fix DNS poisoning flaw
2008-07-09: DNS patches prove fatal for some software: MS DNS patch snuffs net connection for ZoneAlarm users
2008-08-08: Press release from Dr. Bernstein on DNS cache poisoning: DNS still vulnerable, Bernstein says
2008-08-11: Plastic Keys to Physical Locks: Researchers Crack Medeco High-Security Locks With Plastic Keys
2008-08-20: An Email about an administrator failing to set permanent state after setting temporary state: Blocked Hosts List?
2008-08-22: An Email about an intrusion at Redhat's Fedora: Infrastructure report, 2008-08-22 UTC 1200
2009-01-05: Backup woes: Hard Lessons in the Importance of Backups: JournalSpace Wiped Out
2009-01-22: NSA Selinux link: http://www.nsa.gov/research/selinux/.
2009-02-10: Data breach at FAA: FAA reports 45,000 data records pilfered from server
2009-03-06: Finally, a vulnerability found in DJBDNS: Security Issue in DJBDNS Confirmed
2009-03-06: And a second vulnerability also found in DJBDNS: Rapid DNS Poisoning in DJBDNS
2009-04-01: Spam Back to 94% of All E-Mail
2009-04-06: Carbonite loses customer backups, sues Promise Technology
2009-05-12: Berkeley data break-in: Hackers attack campus databases, steal Social Security numbers, other data
2009-05-15: Backup woes at Avsim: Hackers 'destroy' flight sim site
2009-05-20: Microsoft IIS hole fells university server
2009-05-21: Microsoft IIS6 bug exposes sensitive files sans password
2009-07-15: U.S. Postal Service Gives Stamp of Approval to FOSS
2009-07-15: DHCP server can take over client
2009-07-21: Open-source firmware vuln exposes wireless routers
2009-07-23: Adobe Flash woes: New attacks exploit vuln in (fully-patched) Adobe Flash
2009-07-29: Major BIND bug: BIND crash bug prompts urgent update call
2009-07-29: FSU's response to the BIND bug: [Nolenet] DNS server code upgraded
2009-07-30: Data Exposure in the U.S. government: US Congress probes accidental top secret file sharing
2009-07-30: Hardware security: Intel warns over bare-metal BIOS bug
2009-07-31: DNS: Wildcard certificate spoofs web authentication
2009-07-31: iPhone: How To Hijack 'Every iPhone In The World'
2009-07-31: Fun with NULL pointers, part 1
2009-08-31: Warming server rooms: Intel says data centers much too cold: Frozen assets a waste of cash
2009-08-31: IIS bug gives attackers complete server control
2009-09-02: Why Gmail Failed Today
2009-09-09: Microsoft confirms critical unpatched Vista, Windows 7 RC bug
2009-09-09: Windows unpatchable: Microsoft: Patching Windows 2000 'infeasible'
2009-09-16: The Curious Case of the Failing Connections, The Curious Case of the Failing Connections, Part 2
2009-09-16: Microsoft starts warnings of support phase-out for older Windows Server releases
2009-10-07: A practical example of why you do not want to still be using 512-bit RSA keys: TI-83 Plus OS Signing Key Cracked
2009-10-12: Linux saves Aussie electrical grid
2009-10-16: Big-Box Breach: The Inside Story of Wal-Mart’s Hacker Attack
2009-10-16: Maybe all's well that ends well? Microsoft recovers 'most, if not all' Sidekick users' data
2009-12-04: Test setup leaks into production: Bing dies (briefly) after Microsoft hits wrong button
2010-08-23: Why RAID 5 stops working in 2009
2010-08-25: Should developers have access to production?
2010-09-01: Microsoft releases FixIt for critical flaw in 100 apps
2010-09-07: Systemd Test Day on Tuesday 2010/09/07
20109-09-07: Part one of Doomsday Weekend: who can you trust?
2010-09-07: A series of disorderly events
2010-09-08: DNSSEC versus DNSCurve OpenDNS adopts DNSCurve
2010-09-15: Stuxnet attackers used 4 Windows zero-day exploits
2010-09-16: Bug bounties: Google Fixes 10 Bugs in New Chrome Release
2010-09-16: Intel eats crow on software RAID
2010-09-20: Siemens: Stuxnet worm hit industrial systems
2010-09-21: PostgreSQL 9.0 is now available
2010-10-20: Remaining IPv4 Address Space Drops Below 5%