Please create a new public/private key pair on the Linux machine of your choice using ssh-keygen; for example, here is a sample session that I did on linprog3:
(linprog3:~) langley% ssh-keygen ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/faculty/langley/.ssh/id_rsa): /home/faculty/langley/.ssh/id_CNT4603_rsa /home/faculty/langley/.ssh/id_CNT4603_rsa Created directory '/home/faculty/langley/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): ******** Enter same passphrase again: ******** Your identification has been saved in /home/faculty/langley/.ssh/id_CNT4603_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/faculty/langley/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: SHA256:R+IhjBk9O8+p3fGJ3WDfnT7CfRfdKL47coSGcqtOXVw langley@linprog3 The key's randomart image is: +---[RSA 2048]----+ | .. | | =o | | o ooo . E | | oo = . | | +So+. .o| | ..*o+ = ..o| | .=.+ O.*..+| | .. o + Boo+=| | .o. oo+o.+| +----[SHA256]-----+ (linprog3:~) langley% cat .ssh/ cat .ssh/ ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDGnJpeaxSPp1gcBa0AdZ+cfshdrDB14VDf/hIsDshGP Dl5H/LSPq8L+f6bCHHOaZn/lpSjTxpYoXKmhHbl/4MkvxvWIrE2dvIFpBYxHNeItKfyStbXuMl7KLD4iO +mKLL1CeX9c8e8MQCRDBWG8hUAfYlpuRMgu5eIDyVrXCjB+Qp4O2j71CSeNr85rjaJIAumK5386JUA5uY WDwDrf5EJYA3V6ZKsvEdIBEbDgytKB+3Ylvrhrail8dPWg1m78kcB3yOMRJrjEhjR12B+s/PNTCkCXTc6 9DOgW72/reB49IS2wAcLr4J5jwAUi7dehjyIXZx/RSfnfLIriqF4f7Bh langley@linprog3 (linprog3:~) langley%
(If you have an existing .ssh directory, I would recommend that you do this carefully in order to avoid trashing any other keys that you may have created.)
Please submit the public key on Blackboard on the submission link for this assignment. (Please do not submit the private key.)