Final Paper Information

Due at the beginning of class on Tuesday on Wednesday, July 22

Contents: What should be in the paper?

You should have

  1. A summary of what you have learned in class (please delineate material you already knew). Additionally, please write about what you thought was most interesting (this can be anything such an assignment, or a description of an event or sequences of events when you were doing an assignment, or even something that has puzzled you). All told, this section should be at least 2 or 3 pages, although of course you may use more if you like.
  2. A system administration topic area that you would like to follow up on. This should be the bulk of your paper, and should be five to seven (or more if you like pages). Some suggestions might be

Physical format

Please print the paper single-sided, on 8.5 x 11 paper, and the text should be double-spaced. Please staple your paper. Please do not email me this paper, it should be handed to me on July 22. (If you want to turn it in earlier, it's no problem.) You must also submit the paper on Blackboard. I recommend submitting the PDF version, even if you did use Word to create the file.

Late Policy

No late papers will be accepted.


The paper will be graded on adherence to formatting instructions, good grammar and punctuation, clear and coherent reasoning, and demonstrated knowledge about system administration.