CIS4407 - 2011 Summer
Group Assignment 6
Journals Due Tuesday, July 26th, at the beginning of class.

Assignment: Email

Part 1, A Simple Email System

(N.B.: The following installations can be done from yum; I don't recommend that you use a source installation for any of them since it's not necessary — none of them are particularly balky to install from source, but there are some details that can vary a bit from the Redhat configuration.)

Install postfix on your CentOS machine, and configure it to receive mail for your domain. Your test cases should include mailing from each of your real and virtual machines.

Then install dovecot on your CentOS machine, and configure it to talk with clients anywhere both with pop and with imap. Test it with telnet localhost 110, telnet localhost 143, and telnet imap.cslabNN.internal 110.

Next, install squirrelmail on both your Fedora and on CentOS. Verify that each works from both machines.

Part 2, Fighting Spam

While the configuration of the previous packages is not difficult for simple cases like our situation in the lab, the next stage, adding spam fighting, is a bit more complex.

Please install amavisd-new and clamav on your CentOS machine (MailScanner is even more powerful and usually much more current with its spam-fighting capabilities, but it is a bit trickier to set up than amavisd-new and amavisd-new is more than good enough for small installations.)

A decent guide to setting up CentOS to use amavisd-new with postfix is at amavisd; to use it, I recommend that you enable the rpmforge repository — instructions are at CentOS/RPMForge information.

A journal is due for this assignment. Make sure that you document in your journal all of the steps that you went through, following the guidelines on the class home page. Please share the workload so that all team members get experience with all aspects of the work. Do not forget to assign your work percentages to yourself and your other teammates in your journal. Please turn in a printed copy of this assignment at the beginning of class on Tuesday, July 26th.