FAT stands for "File Allocation Table". It's one of the more simple filesystems ever, and is based on concepts closer to the simpler DEC's RT11 filesystem and CP/M rather than the more modern ideas that were used in the Berkeley Fast filesystem.
It was the first used in Microsoft's DOS operating system, and is still usable in all Windows and Linux operating systems (and indeed, tools exist in virtually every operating system to read and write to basic FAT filesystems.) Devices such as digital cameras, usb memory sticks, and even digital copiers usually use a FAT filesystem for storage.
There have been a large number of versions of the FAT filesytem. The easiest initial breakdown is to recognize the FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 divisions. Each of these represented a step up in ability to store more data in a FAT filesystem.
Alternative data streams: FAT was never designed to handle alternative data streams, but there have been extensions made that can allow these. This is of significant forensic attention since ADS provide a simple way of obscuring data, (see WFA pp. 312-320 — note that ADSs have been used by the W2K virus and by the Mailbot.AZ rootkit.)
All FAT file systems have three divisions:
Here's a sample dump of an (empty) FAT12 using the Sleuth Kit's fsstat program:
bash$ fsstat -f fat msdos.fat12 FILE SYSTEM INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- File System Type: FAT12 OEM Name: mkdosfs Volume ID: 0x3f0947d2 Volume Label (Boot Sector): Volume Label (Root Directory): File System Type Label: FAT12 Sectors before file system: 0 File System Layout (in sectors) Total Range: 0 - 49999 * Reserved: 0 - 15 ** Boot Sector: 0 * FAT 0: 16 - 31 * FAT 1: 32 - 47 * Data Area: 48 - 49999 ** Root Directory: 48 - 79 ** Cluster Area: 80 - 49999 METADATA INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- Range: 2 - 799238 Root Directory: 2 CONTENT INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- Sector Size: 512 Cluster Size: 8192 Total Cluster Range: 2 - 3121 FAT CONTENTS (in sectors) --------------------------------------------
Here's a sample dump of an (empty) FAT16 using the Sleuth Kit's fsstat program:
bash-4.1$ fsstat -f fat msdos.fat16 FILE SYSTEM INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- File System Type: FAT16 OEM Name: mkdosfs Volume ID: 0x4a7c749a Volume Label (Boot Sector): Volume Label (Root Directory): File System Type Label: FAT16 Sectors before file system: 0 File System Layout (in sectors) Total Range: 0 - 49999 * Reserved: 0 - 3 ** Boot Sector: 0 * FAT 0: 4 - 55 * FAT 1: 56 - 107 * Data Area: 108 - 49999 ** Root Directory: 108 - 139 ** Cluster Area: 140 - 49999 METADATA INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- Range: 2 - 798278 Root Directory: 2 CONTENT INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- Sector Size: 512 Cluster Size: 2048 Total Cluster Range: 2 - 12466 FAT CONTENTS (in sectors) --------------------------------------------
Here's a sample dump of a (non-empty) FAT32 using the Sleuth Kit's fsstat program:
bash-4.1$ fsstat -f fat /tmp/DFC4-D25D.dat FILE SYSTEM INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- File System Type: FAT32 OEM Name: SYSLINUX Volume ID: 0xdfc4d25d Volume Label (Boot Sector): Volume Label (Root Directory): File System Type Label: FAT32 Next Free Sector (FS Info): 4128 Free Sector Count (FS Info): 637528 Sectors before file system: 0 File System Layout (in sectors) Total Range: 0 - 2097151 Total Range in Image: 0 - 488535 * Reserved: 0 - 31 ** Boot Sector: 0 ** FS Info Sector: 1 ** Backup Boot Sector: 6 * FAT 0: 32 - 2079 * FAT 1: 2080 - 4127 * Data Area: 4128 - 2097151 ** Cluster Area: 4128 - 2097151 *** Root Directory: 4128 - 4135 METADATA INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- Range: 2 - 7750534 Root Directory: 2 CONTENT INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- Sector Size: 512 Cluster Size: 4096 Total Cluster Range: 2 - 261629 FAT CONTENTS (in sectors) -------------------------------------------- 4128-4135 (8) -> EOF 4136-11527 (7392) -> EOF 11528-27823 (16296) -> EOF 27824-27831 (8) -> EOF 27832-27839 (8) -> EOF 27840-27847 (8) -> EOF 27848-27855 (8) -> EOF 27856-27863 (8) -> EOF 27864-27871 (8) -> EOF 27872-28351 (480) -> EOF 28352-28359 (8) -> EOF 28360-44655 (16296) -> EOF 44656-44703 (48) -> EOF 44704-44711 (8) -> EOF 44712-45039 (328) -> EOF 45040-45943 (904) -> EOF 45944-46079 (136) -> EOF 46080-46399 (320) -> EOF 46400-53791 (7392) -> EOF 53792-53831 (40) -> EOF 53832-53887 (56) -> EOF 53888-53903 (16) -> EOF 53904-1432815 (1378912) -> EOF 1432816-1432823 (8) -> EOF 1432824-1449119 (16296) -> EOF 1449120-1449167 (48) -> EOF 1449168-1449175 (8) -> EOF 1449176-1449503 (328) -> EOF 1449504-1450407 (904) -> EOF 1450408-1450727 (320) -> EOF 1450728-1458119 (7392) -> EOF 1458120-1458127 (8) -> EOF 1458128-1458191 (64) -> EOF 1458200-1458319 (120) -> EOF 1458328-1458335 (8) -> EOF 1458336-1458343 (8) -> EOF 1458344-1458351 (8) -> EOF 1458352-1458775 (424) -> EOF 1458776-1458815 (40) -> EOF 1458840-1458863 (24) -> EOF 1458864-1459455 (592) -> EOF 1459456-1459471 (16) -> EOF 1459472-1459607 (136) -> EOF 1459608-1459631 (24) -> EOF 1459632-1459639 (8) -> EOF 1459640-1459663 (24) -> EOF
Each FAT filesystem can contain boot code; if it does, the first three bytes will contain an actual JMP instruction to the boot code.
Here's a detailed breakdown for a filesystem found on a typical FLASH drive: here
From the Wikipedia (here), the layout of the first 36 bytes of the boot sector for all versions of FAT:
Byte Offset Length (bytes) Description 0x00 3 Jump instruction. This instruction will be executed and will skip past the rest of the (non-executable) header if the partition is booted from. See Volume Boot Record. If the jump is two-byte near jmp it is followed by a NOP instruction. 0x03 8 OEM Name (padded with spaces 0x20). This value determines in which system disk was formatted. MS-DOS checks this field to determine which other parts of the boot record can be relied on.[28][29] Common values are IBM 3.3
(with two spaces between the "IBM" and the "3.3"),MSDOS5.0
.0x0b 2 Bytes per sector. A common value is 512, especially for file systems on IDE (or compatible) disks. The BIOS Parameter Block starts here. 0x0d 1 Sectors per cluster. Allowed values are powers of two from 1 to 128. However, the value must not be such that the number of bytes per cluster becomes greater than 32 KB. 0x0e 2 Reserved sector count. The number of sectors before the first FAT in the file system image. Should be 1 for FAT12/FAT16. Usually 32 for FAT32. 0x10 1 Number of file allocation tables. Almost always 2. 0x11 2 Maximum number of root directory entries. Only used on FAT12 and FAT16, where the root directory is handled specially. Should be 0 for FAT32. This value should always be such that the root directory ends on a sector boundary (i.e. such that its size becomes a multiple of the sector size). 224 is typical for floppy disks. 0x13 2 Total sectors (if zero, use 4 byte value at offset 0x20) 0x15 1 Media descriptor[30]
0xF0 3.5" Double Sided, 80 tracks per side, 18 or 36 sectors per track (1.44MB or 2.88MB). 5.25" Double Sided, 80 tracks per side, 15 sectors per track (1.2MB). Used also for other media types. 0xF8 Fixed disk (i.e. Hard disk).[31] 0xF9 3.5" Double sided, 80 tracks per side, 9 sectors per track (720K). 5.25" Double sided, 80 tracks per side, 15 sectors per track (1.2MB) 0xFA 5.25" Single sided, 80 tracks per side, 8 sectors per track (320K) 0xFB 3.5" Double sided, 80 tracks per side, 8 sectors per track (640K) 0xFC 5.25" Single sided, 40 tracks per side, 9 sectors per track (180K) 0xFD 5.25" Double sided, 40 tracks per side, 9 sectors per track (360K). Also used for 8". 0xFE 5.25" Single sided, 40 tracks per side, 8 sectors per track (160K). Also used for 8". 0xFF 5.25" Double sided, 40 tracks per side, 8 sectors per track (320K) Same value of media descriptor should be repeated as first byte of each copy of FAT. Certain operating systems (MSX-DOS version 1.0) ignore boot sector parameters altogether and use media descriptor value from the first byte of FAT to determine file system parameters.
0x16 2 Sectors per File Allocation Table for FAT12/FAT16 0x18 2 Sectors per track (Only useful on disks with geometry. [1]) 0x1a 2 Number of heads (Only useful on disks with geometry. [2]) 0x1c 4 Count of hidden sectors preceding the partition that contains this FAT volume. This field should always be zero on media that are not partitioned. 0x20 4 Total sectors (if greater than 65535; otherwise, see offset 0x13)
Since FAT filesystems are replete with areas of unused data, the term "slack" (or "slack space") has been used as a general reference word for them.
Sources of slack space:
The heart of the FAT filesystem is the eponymous FAT (file allocation table.) There are usually two copies of the FAT, located together right after the reserved area.
The FAT consists of consecutive entries, each entry referencing a single cluster. (See next slide.) (Yes, the mapping from FAT entries to clusters is bijective, or one-to-one and onto.) The size of entry is indicated by the FAT type: FAT12 has 12 bit entries; FAT16 has 16 bit entries; and FAT32 has 32 bit entries.
If the value of the entry is zero, then the corresponding cluster is not allocated to a file. The marking for damaged clusters is 0xff7 for FAT12, 0xfff7 for FAT16, and 0x0ffffff7 for FAT32. This is very relevant for forensics since it is ordinary practice for commercial tools to actually mark clusters as damaged and still use that space, and malware can do the same.
The other two legitimate values for a FAT entry are (1) the next cluster in a file or (2) an EOF marker, meaning that this the last cluster associated with a file.
The allocation policy governs how you identify and use free space; for WIN98 and XP, it is a simple "first available".
As remarked above, a given cluster is simply a continguous group of blocks.
Each cluster has a number associated with it; the first cluster is 2 (there is no 0 or 1 cluster.) Clusters are are in sequential order on a partition:
Cluster 2 | Cluster 4 | Cluster 5 | Cluster 6 | Cluster 7 | ... |
In FAT12 and FAT16, the data area begins with a "root directory". The first cluster is right after this root directory area.
In FAT32, the first cluster is at the beginning of the data area.
As described above, the FAT entries describe how a file maps to the actual clusters used to store the file.
A directory in a FAT filesystem is a special type of file, and if it requires more than one cluster, the FAT entries for the directory use the same cluster-chaining that ordinary files use.
The most important attribute of directories are of course the actual entries.
Each ordinary directory entry is 32 bytes in size. It contains the file name, attributes, size, starting cluster, and dates and times associated with the file.
The first two entries in a non-root directory are fixed at "." and "..".
If the filename begins with the character "0xe5", then the entry has been deallocated. Most programs that "delete" files actually simply change the first character of the filename to 0xe5, and thus recovery of such "deleted" files is often (but not always!) simple.
In addition to ordinary entries, there is also a special type of file entry called the "long file name" entry.
0 --> first character of file in ASCII; if this is 0x0 or 0xe5, then it is not allocated 1-10 --> more characters of filename in ASCII 11 --> file attributes 0x01 --> read only 0x02 --> hidden 0x04 --> system file 0x08 --> volume label 0x0f --> long file name (note this is an OR of above!) 0x10 --> directory 0x20 --> archive 0x40 --> reserved 0x80 --> reserved 12 --> reserved 13 --> created time (tenths of second) 14-15 --> create time (hours, minutes, seconds) 16-17 --> create day 18-19 --> accessed day 20-21 --> high 2 bytes of first cluster address 22-23 --> written time (hours, minutes, seconds) 24-25 --> written day 26-27 --> low 2 bytes of first cluster address 28-31 --> size of file (0 for directories)
0 --> Sequence number (starts with 1 for the first LFN entry for a given file); this is ORed with 0x40 1-10 --> Filename characters 1-5 (either UTF-16 (2000/XP/Vista/Windows7) or older OSes use the largely identical UCS-2 standard), thus two bytes per character (well, except when it might be four, but those are reserved for dead languages) 11 --> attributes, must be equal to 0x0f 12 --> reserved 13 --> checksum (computed from short filename, must be same for each LFN entry for the shortname) 14-25 --> filename characters 6-11 in UTF-16/UCS-2 26-27 --> reserved 28-31 --> two more filename characters in UTF-16/UCS-2