The workplace is being refashioned by technological advances: from a 360 degree jobplace perspective --- supervisor, supervision, and cohort --- as well as the mechanics of personnel ("HR by AI, jobseeking via AI"), the entirety of what we mean by employment is being transformed. Human Resources, reengineered ============================= Human resources has many functions that AI can already be used: Finding new candidates and hiring new employess -- many businesses have resorted to AI to find new employees; the wealth of data already available and, with the widespread adoption of ESG scoring, offer HR heretofore unavailable data for finding attractive candidates. Background checks -- many businesses use background checks for potential employees, and AI has been used in this area. Onboarding activities -- most larger businesses have many rote activities that new employees go through; AI has been used to help these new employees. Employee benefits -- businesses can offer employees various types of benefits, such as 401k plans and group health insurance; AI has been used to help keep employees aware of these offerings and to help employees navigate the nuances of such offerings. Training -- AI and simulation technology have been increasingly used in both initial job training and continuing education. Monitoring -- AI can be very helpful in monitoring employee use of social media, and if financial data is available (ESG, for example), can be used to monitor employees' economic activities. Corrective actions -- AI can be used to initiate and maintain corrective actions, including those up to termination of employment. While most of these are currently augmentation of HR workers, with direct human supervision of AI performance, increasingly we will see humans displaced rather than augmented. AI is far more cost-effective than humans, and unpleasant actions, such as massive layoffs, will in the future be less stressful for HR workers in charge. Sources: The Workplace, reengineered ===========================