Ethics and Computer Science
Syllabus, lectures, and other materials — Summer 2022

From Oxford Online, we find these definitions:

   philosophy: The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.

   ethics: Moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting of an activity.

Syllabus and schedule


Class structure

The Canvas class modules are organized by week; new modules are published on Monday, and most activities for most modules occur in that week.

Other material

Obligatory xkcd collection:


Research Ethics


Trolley Problem


The Three Laws of Robotics

Online Ethics-oriented Resources

Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science

Collection of ethical code URLs from NC State

Computer and Information Ethics (in particular, see the Uniqueness debate between Maner and Johnson)

Virtue Ethics

Deontological Ethics



Nick Bostrom: Superintelligence (Also, I have cached a 1 hour video where the author talks about this book)

Isaac Asimov: I, Robot

Norbert Weiner: The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society

Soshana Zuboff: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism


Excerpt from The Grand Design episode of "Yes, Prime Minister"

Class notes

Other Readings

2019-04-05: How China turned a city into a prison

2022-01-11: Intel Deletes Reference to Xianjiang after Backlash in China

2022-01-11: Facial recognition as a Pareto Technology

2022-01-11: Texas cities experience phishing via qr codes attached parking meters

2022-01-11: Air Tag Tracking

2022-01-13: Autonomous Weapons

2022-01-13: Lethal Autonomous Weapons Exist, and They Must Be Banned

2022-01-13: Operation Trojan Shield

2022-01-18: U.S. Airlines Warn of Chaos with the rollout of 5G

2022-01-18: Agricultural Autonomy

2022-01-18: Hume AI

2022-01-18: Will AI Destroy Education?

2022-01-20: The most recent SIGCAS newsletter (2021 Fall)

2022-01-20: The robot revolution continues: the worst warehouse job

2022-01-20: First time: AI named inventor

2022-01-20: Can a robot be arrested? Hold a patent? Pay income taxes

2022-01-20: IRS to require selfies?

2022-01-20: EFF: Williams versus San Francisco

2022-01-20: Dubbing via AI?

2022-01-25: Researchers build AI that builds AI

2022-01-25: The ClearView AI saga continues in Canada

2022-01-25: A right to repair?

2022-01-25: Hacktivists say they hacked Belarus Rail Systems to Stop Russian military buildup

2022-01-25: "Slightly" superhuman hiking?

2022-01-27: Identity theft thrives

2022-01-27: Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs tracking mechanisms

2022-01-27: Britain and AI decision-making

2022-01-27: The rise of the robots in Singapore

2022-01-27: Our automated future?

2022-01-27: ID.ME changes its tune on techniques

2022-01-27: Privacy policies and larger considerations

2022-01-27: AI chatbots, admissions, and ethical risks

2022-01-31: When the algorithm is your boss

2022-02-01: The NSA Spies Shaping the Future

2022-02-02: AlphaCode

2022-02-02: Competitive Programming with AlphaCode

2022-02-07: Ghost dogs on the border

2022-02-08: The future of warfare? (From here

2022-02-08: Throwable robots?

2022-02-08: IRS backs off from biometric measures?

2022-02-10: Google Analytics GDPR Breach

2022-02-10: Zoom

2022-02-10: The trade in surveillance meets the world of arms

2022-01-20: First time: AI named inventor

2022-02-15: Robots face many challenges

2022-02-16: Honorlock?

2022-02-22: Copyright Office answers "no" to AI authorship question

2022-02-22: Open Letter on AI

2022-02-24: EU Proposes Data Laws

2022-02-24: Missouri Governor's Office?

2022-02-24: Employment fraud?

2022-02-25: ACM, Ethics, and Corporate Behavior

2022-03-01: Et tu, Apple?

2022-03-03: Warren and Warner write letter to the Treasury

2022-03-08: Echoes in the Uncanny Valley? (Uncanny Valley explanation)

2022-03-10: Money, fraud, and the Internet: who is responsible?

2022-03-10: Explain yourself?

2022-03-22: Dual use for AI

2022-03-22: Cell phones: knowing where you are...

2022-03-22: Privacy Police?

2022-03-22: Itami: Mass surveillance of the elderly

2022-03-22: My wife tracked me for journalism

2022-03-22: This article is spying on you...

2022-03-24: Tools for good... can these be used for bad?

2021-10-19: The advent of cognitive warfare (draft, version 3)

2021-10-19: Innovation Hub's Cognitive Warfare site

2022-03-29: Clearview AI : Ukraine?

2022-03-29: A Brave New World of Nullities

2022-03-29: Whose fault: autonomous entity or human?

2022-03-29: OpenAI and human augmentation

2022-03-29: Hackers gain power of subpoena through fraudulent emergency data requests

2022-03-30: GPT3 grows more impressive

2022-03-30: How your shadow credit score could be used

2022-03-30: Direct interfaces

2022-03-31: Giordano and battlefields

2022-03-31: What other students in computer ethics are thinking

2022-04-05: Would you hire this AI?

2022-04-05: USB-C madness, technological duplicity

2022-04-05: In praise of desktop computing

2022-04-05: The Thin Edge of the Wedge?

2022-04-05: The Thin Edge, part II? (video)

2022-04-05: More robodogs on military bases

2022-04-07: Advanced Persistent Teens

2022-04-07: Why, Worldcoin?

2022-04-07: DALL-E-2 (NY Times version)

2022-04-07: DALL-E

2022-04-07: Robots in space

2022-04-07: Improving Man-Machine Interfaces

2022-04-07: Imaging AI autonomous entity cleared for use

2022-04-10: AI to make triage decisions on the battlefield?

2022-04-10: Speed Cam Anywhere!

2022-04-10: Double your money!

2022-04-10: ACM: Technology and its impact

2022-04-10: Dall-e-2 Friday

2022-04-13: Caltech graduate sentenced to five years federal prison for presentation on cryptocurrency — in North Korea

2022-05-10: AI outperforms humans

2022-05-12: AI goes to war in Ukraine

2022-05-12: The Weapon that Mistook a School Bus for an Ostrich

2022-05-12: AI succeeds at yet another Turing Test: this time in product reviews

2022-05-12: NY Times editorial on NFTs

2022-05-12: OpenSea

2022-05-12: OpenSea, II

2022-05-17: Congressional activity with regard to ClearviewAI

2022-05-17: DHS current client of ClearviewAI 2022-05-17: Digital Dragnet: ICE makes wide use of facial recognition

2022-05-17: When Corporate Interests and International Cyber Agreements Collide

2022-05-24: Imagen: DALL-E 2 now has competition

2022-05-24: AI tells a story, makes illustrations

2022-05-24: Clearview AI fined

2022-05-24: Clearview AI fined

2022-05-24: Deep Fakes become ever-more convincing

2022-05-26: Eutopian Superintelligence?

2022-05-26: AI at work, the best case

2022-05-26: AI at work, in reality

2022-05-31: Superintelligence: AI detects race from x-rays, an ability that humans do not have (Original article

2022-05-31: The professor is definitely not in

2022-05-31: Honorlock?

2022-05-31: The cryptic world of crypto

2022-05-31: What is the truth about Zadira and Peresvet?

2022-06-02: Nokia says 6G will be a revolution in 10 years time

2022-06-02: Discovering the secret language of DALLE-2

2022-06-07: International Law Enforcement and Intergovernmental Cooperation 2022

2022-06-07: Palermo government computing goes out

2022-06-07: Italy warns about Killnet

2022-06-07: Romania and Killnet

2022-06-09: Address to the Five Eyes Law Enforcement Group (FELEG)

2022-06-09: Five Eyes Foresee Alarms

2022-06-09: Five Eyes Law Enforcement Group Meets in 2016

2022-06-09: Simulation or Gamefication?

2022-06-09: War Thunder Leaks

2022-06-09: Recent information on the Paige Thompson case

2022-06-09: Update: Capital One was fined in 2020 in regard to the Paige Thompson case

2022-06-09: Inside the mind of the Capital One hacker

2022-06-09: US v. Paige Thompson

2022-06-09: Software development in 2022: Work and ip-washing

2022-06-09: IP-washing aspects of AI generated code

2022-06-09: Meet Amazon's first fully autonomous mobile robot

2022-06-09: HIKvision and the SDN question

2022-06-28: European Parliament's "Framework of ethical aspects of AI, robotics, and related technologies

2022-06-28: European Parliament's proposed set of AI regulationss

2022-06-28: LaMDA?

2022-06-28: Models and Science

2022-06-30: Interview with an entity

2022-06-30: Hacker News debates the interview with an entity

2022-06-30: Searle's Chinese Room argument

2022-07-05: Can a corporation trademark a color?

2022-07-05: Experiments with DALL-E

2022-07-05: Mickey Mouse?

2022-07-07: Code replay attack on the myGovID Scheme

2022-07-07: Can Computers be Mathematicians?

2022-07-07: Copyright in action, 2022

2022-07-07: Wiretapping the world

2022-07-07: Windows11 and webcams

2022-07-12: Burma rolls out Chinese surveillance systems

2022-07-12: Democratization of AI?

2022-07-14: Gaming and toxicity?