Chapter 10: The Basics of Networking
Summary of IP networking
- It's all based on numbers, not names
- It's always packets, all the time
- Names are just a layer over IP
- A local network becomes worldwide through the magic of routing
General Communication Properties
General Communication Properties
- Broadcast
- Multicast
- Point-to-point
The Internet's Communications Properties
- Client/Server
- Any one communication is generally not extended
but consists rather of many brief interactions
- Maps well to the idea of packet switching
The Internet's Communications Properties
IP is a bunch of numbers, not names
- IPv4, four bytes; IPv6, 16 bytes
- Names on the Internet are different; they are just a convention
layered over IP, and are not fundamental to
the actual operation of the Internet, just its
- The common TLDs: .edu, .gov, .com, .net, .org, .name, .info, ...
- World (ISO 3166): .uk, .ch, .jp, ...
- Ethernet to a fare-thee-well
- Originally all wired, all broadcast, all the time
- Now wired is all switched packets, and wireless is broadcast
- Ethernet numbers are "static"
- IP numbers sometimes are static, often dynamic
Major IP services
- The World Wide Web; protocol is HTTP over ports 80 and 443
Major IP services
- Email sending; protocol is SMTP over port 25, 465, and 587
- Email receiving; protocols are POP and IMAP over ports 110/995, 143/993
Major IP services
- DNS; protocol is DNS over port 53 UDP and over port 53 TCP
Major IP services
- FTP; protocol is FTP over ports 20/21
- Peer-to-peer; protocols vary, BitTorrent is common, usually found from 6881-6889, though very flexible
How a URL is structured
- Actually refers to files on in a directory structure
- /home/langley/public_html/CGS2100/2014-Fall/index.html
Before and after the web
- The Internet is older than WWW
- Before WWW, we had email, ftp;
- After WWW, the next big use of bandwidth
was the development of P2P