14. Trees 1: Theory, Models, Generic Heap Algorithms, Priority Queues
1: Trees 1: Overview
2: Theory and Terminology - 1
3: Theory and Terminology - 2
4: Theory and Terminology - 3
5: Tree Traversals - 1
6: Tree Traversals - 2
7: Tree Traversals - 3
8: Binary Trees - 1
9: Binary Trees - 2
10: Binary Tree Traversals
11: Vector Representation of Complete Binary Tree
12: Partially Ordered Trees
13: Heaps
14: The Push Heap Algorithm
15: The Pop Heap Algorithm
16: Generic Heap Algorithms
17: Generic XC
18: Generic push_heap
19: Generic pop_heap
20: Generic Heap Sort
21: Priority Queues
22: The Priority Queue Generic Adaptor
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in this course are proprietary and may not be copied without express written
permission of the author. (C) 2007 R.C. Lacher, Florida State