Course Calendar
CIS 5930 Generic Programming
Spring Semester 2005
Week Dates Coverage Assignments Due Date 1 1/5 - 1/9 Course Syllabus
Activate CS Majors Account
Assignment 0: Submission Verification and Portfolio Creation1/16
2 1/10 - 1/16 Templates
Sequential Containers
Algorithm Basics
Abstract Data Types
3 1/17 - 1/23 Function Classes
Generic Algorithms
Generic Set Algorithms
Begin thinking about project teams for design, develop, test:
Set<R-B tree>
Generic Graph Algorithms4 1/24 - 1/30 Generic Associative Containers
Set and Map Abstractions
Hash Tables
5 1/31 - 2/6 Binary Tree Model and Heaps
Dynamic Binary Tree: Navigation and Iteration
Dynamic Binary Trees: Construction
Associative Binary Trees
6 2/7 - 2/13 Boost Graph Library Documentation
Boost Project
Project DiscussionBoost Graph Library Downloads
Passau GTL
7 2/14 - 2/20 Compile Time Programming Components
8 2/21 - 2/27 Type Lists
9 2/28 - 3/6 Midterm Exam: See Syllabus for details 9 3/7 - 3/13 Spring Break 10 3/14 - 3/20 Small Object Allocation Read Chapter 4 of Modern C++ Design 11 3/21 - 3/27 Generalized Functors
Curriculum 1
Schedule 1
12 3/28 - 4/3 Singletons
13 4/4 - 4/10 Smart Pointers
14 4/11 - 4/17
15 4/18 - 4/24
16 4/25 - 5/1 Final Exam: See Syllabus for details 17 5/2 8:00 AM: Grades Turned In To Registrar
Unix Script Submission Process:
Most programming assignments will be submitted via a specific Unix script from your CS Majors account logged in to shell.cs.fsu.edu. Submission scripts will be located in the directory ~cop4531p/spring05/submitscripts/. Availability of these scripts will be announced in the assignment document.
Submission via script should generate two email responses:
- When your submission is received, a receipt is sent via email. The date/time stamp of this email is the official submission time.
- After your submission has been unpacked and placed in your portfolio, a second message is sent containing a copy of all files that were unpacked. This is a record of exactly what was received and placed in your portfolio.
After submission, be sure to check your email for these two messages. Normally these would arrive within a few seconds of submission. If you do not get both email responses, a malfunction occurred. When you do receive these confirmation emails, save them. If a problem were to arise with your files, these emails are your proof of submission.
Note that revisions may be submitted any time prior to the deadline and will automatically replace the previous submission.