Homework 4: Implementing Ordered Associative Array

Current version: 03/14/2012

Educational Objectives: On successful completion of this assignment, the student should be able to

Background Knowledge Required: Be sure that you have mastered the material in these chapters before beginning the assignment:
Introduction to Sets, Introduction to Maps, Binary Search Trees, and Balanced BSTs.

Operational Objectives: Create an implementation of the Ordered Associative Array API using left-leaning red-black trees. Illustrate the use of the API by refactoring your WordBench as a client of Ordered Associative Array API.


oaa.h           # the ordered associative array class template 
wordbench2.h    # defines wordbench refactored to use the OAA API
wordbench2.cpp  # implements wordbench2.h
log.txt         # your standard work log

Procedural Requirements

  1. Keep a text file log of your development and testing activities in log.txt.

  2. Begin by copying all of the files from the assignment distribution directory, which will include:

    hw4/main2.cpp       # driver program for wordbench2
    hw4/foaa.cpp        # functionality test for OAA
    hw4/rantable.cpp    # random table file generator
    hw4/makefile        # makefile for project - builds wb2.x and foaa.x
    hw4/hw4submit.sh    # submit script

  3. Define and implement the class template OAA<K,D,P>, placing the code in the file oaa.h.

  4. Use the default value P = fsu::LessThan<T> for the third template parameter, so that OAA<K,D> is also automatically defined.

  5. Thoroughly test your OAA<> with the distributed test client programs foaa.cpp and moaa.cpp. Be sure to log all test activity.

  6. Define the application WordBench, refactored as a client of OAA<fsu::String, size_t>, in the header file wordbench2.h, and implement the refactored WordBench in the file wordbench2.cpp

  7. Test your refactored WordBench thouroughly to be certain that it is a true refactoring or the original. (Refactoring is defined to be re-coding without changing the program behavior.) Again, log all test activity.

  8. Be sure to fully cite all references used for code and ideas, including URLs for web-based resources. These citations should be in the file documentation and if appropriate detailed in relevant code locations. Also cite all resources used in your log.

  9. Be sure to fully cite all references used for code and ideas, including URLs for web-based resources. These citations should be in two places: (1) the code file documentation and if appropriate detailed in relevant code locations; and (2) in your log.

  10. Submit the assignment using the script hw4submit.sh.

    Warning: Submit scripts do not work on the program and linprog servers. Use shell.cs.fsu.edu to submit assignments. If you do not receive the second confirmation with the contents of your assignment, there has been a malfunction.

Requirements - Ordered Associative Array

  1. Implement the Ordered Associative Array API using the following class template:

      template < typename K , typename D , class P = LessThan<K> >
      class OAA
        typedef K    KeyType;
        typedef D    DataType;
        typedef P    PredicateType;
                 OAA  ();
        explicit OAA  (P p);
                 OAA  (const OAA& a);
                 ~OAA ();
        OAA& operator=(const OAA& a);
        DataType& operator [] (const KeyType& k)        { return Get(k); }
        void Put (const KeyType& k , const DataType& d) { Get(k) = d; }
        D&   Get (const KeyType& k);
        void Erase(const KeyType& k);
        void Clear();
        void Rehash();
        bool   Empty    () const { return root_ == 0; }
        size_t Size     () const { return RSize(root_); }     // counts alive nodes
        size_t NumNodes () const { return RNumNodes(root_); } // counts nodes
        int    Height   () const { return RHeight(root_); }
        template <class F>
        void   Traverse(F f) const { RTraverse(root_,f); }
        void   Display (std::ostream& os, int cw1, int cw2) const;
        void   Dump (std::ostream& os) const;
        void   Dump (std::ostream& os, int cw) const;
        void   Dump (std::ostream& os, int cw, char fill) const;
      private: // definitions and relationships
        enum Flags { ZERO = 0x00 , DEAD = 0x01, RED = 0x02 , DEFAULT = RED }; // DEFAULT = alive,red
        static const char* ColorMap (unsigned char flags)
          flags &= 0x03; // last 2 bits only
          case 0x00: return ANSI_COLOR_BOLD_BLUE;        // bits 00
          case 0x01: return ANSI_COLOR_BOLD_BLUE_SHADED; // bits 01
          case 0x02: return ANSI_COLOR_BOLD_RED;         // bits 10
          case 0x03: return ANSI_COLOR_BOLD_RED_SHADED;  // bits 11
          default: return "unknown color";   // unknown flags
        class Node
          const KeyType   key_;
                DataType  data_;
          Node * lchild_, * rchild_;
          unsigned char flags_;
          Node (const KeyType& k, const DataType& d, Flags flags = DEFAULT)
    	: key_(k), data_(d), lchild_(0), rchild_(0), flags_(flags)
          friend class OAA<K,D,P>;
          bool IsRed    () const { return 0 != (RED & flags_); }
          bool IsBlack  () const { return !IsRed(); }
          bool IsDead   () const { return 0 != (DEAD & flags_); }
          bool IsAlive  () const { return !IsDead(); }
          void SetRed   ()       { flags_ |= RED; }
          void SetBlack ()       { flags_ &= ~RED; }
          void SetDead  ()       { flags_ |= DEAD; }
          void SetAlive ()       { flags_ &= ~DEAD; }
        class PrintNode
          PrintNode (std::ostream& os, int cw1, int cw2) : os_(os), cw1_(cw1), cw2_(cw2) {}
          void operator() (const Node * n) const
    	if (n->IsAlive())
    	 os_ << std::setw(cw1_) << n->key_ << std::setw(cw2_) << n->data_ << '\n';
          std::ostream& os_;
          int cw1_, cw2_;
        class CopyNode
          CopyNode (Node*& newroot, OAA<K,D>* oaa) : newroot_(newroot), this_(oaa) {}
          void operator() (const Node * n) const
    	if (n->IsAlive())
    	  newroot_ = this_->RInsert(newroot_,n->key_, n->data_);
          Node *& newroot_;
          OAA<K,D> * this_;
      private: // data
        Node *         root_;
        PredicateType  pred_;
      private: // methods
        static Node * NewNode     (const K& k, const D& d, Flags flags);
        static void   RRelease    (Node* n); // deletes all descendants of n
        static Node * RClone      (const Node* n); // returns deep copy of n
        static size_t RSize       (Node * n);
        static size_t RNumNodes   (Node * n);
        static int    RHeight     (Node * n);
        // rotations
        static Node * RotateLeft  (Node * n);
        static Node * RotateRight (Node * n);
        template < class F >
        static void   RTraverse (Node * n, F f);
        // recursive left-leaning get
        Node * RGet(Node* nptr, const K& kval, Node*& location);
        // recursive left-leaning insert
        Node * RInsert(Node* nptr, const K& key, const D& data);
      }; // class OAA<>

    Note that the implementations of all OAA methods are discussed in the lecture notes in one form or another.

  2. Many of the required implementations are already available in the file LIB/hw4/oaa.start.

  3. It is worth pointing out what is NOT in these requirements that would be in a "full" OAA API:

    1. Object comparison operators == and !=
    2. Iterators and iterator support
    3. Remove

    The remaining "mutator" portion of the OAA API consists of Get, Put, Clear, Erase and Rehash -- arguably the minimal necessary for a useful general purpose container.

  4. Note that the AA bracket operator is in the interface and is implemented in-line above with a single call to Get. Also note that Put is implemented with a single call to Get, which leaves Get as the principal functionality requiring implementation in ordr to have the AA bracket operator. The AA bracket operator, in turn, is required for the rafactoring of Wordbench.

  5. The various const methods measure useful characteristics of the underlying BST and provide output useful in the development process as well as offering client programs insight into the AA structure.

  6. The color system is outlined here just as in the lecture notes. The ColorMap is used by the Dump methods to color nodes at output. Color is manipulated by the four Node methods for detecting and changing node color. (This particular map colors red nodes red, black nodes blue, and shades the background of tombstones.)

  7. There are four privately declared in-class types:

    1. The enumerated type Flags - names the various flags and assigns them to distinct bits
    2. The class Node - the primary structural component of the tree
    3. The class PrintNode - function class facilitating Display
    4. The class CopyNode - function class facilitating Rehash

  8. The various "private" statements are redundant, but they emphasize the various reasons for using that designation: (1) to have private in-class definitions, such as Node or typedef statements, and to record any friend relationships that might be needed; (2) private data in the form of variables; (3) private methods; and (4) things that are privatized to prevent their use.

  9. The Erase and Rehash methods are not used by WordBench and may implemented non-functionaly. However, There is 20% extra credit available for correctly implementing these two methods.

  10. Don't be confused by the Erase of class OAA<K,D> and the Erase of class WordBench.

Requirements - WordBench

  1. Here is a working header file for the refactored WordBench:

    #include <xstring.h>
    #include <list.h>
    #include <oaa.h>
    class WordBench
      WordBench           ();
      virtual ~WordBench  ();
      bool   ReadText     (const fsu::String& infile);
      bool   WriteReport  (const fsu::String& outfile, unsigned short c1 = 15, unsigned short c2 = 15) const;
      void   ShowSummary  () const;
      void   Erase        ();
      typedef fsu::String              KeyType;
      typedef size_t                   DataType;
      size_t                           count_;
      fsu::OAA  < KeyType , DataType > frequency_;
      fsu::List < fsu::String >        infiles_;
      static void Cleanup  (fsu::String& s);
    } ;

    The set "wordset_" from the original design is replaced with the ordered associative array "frequency_".

  2. Note the private terminology is changed slightly. (Of course, the API is not changed.) The main storage OAA is called frequency_ which makes very readable code of this form:

        if (str.Length() != 0)
        } // end if

    This snippet is the inner core of the processing loop implementing ReadText. The main loop implementing ReadText is now only 5 lines of code. (You should be certain you understand how this works, for both a new word and another encounter of an existing word. Note that the default constructor for size_t sets the initial value to 0).

  3. Another small change is that it is no longer possible to loop through the data to count the words, because we are not defining an Iterator class. We could work out a way to make this count using a traversal with a special function object that retrieves the specific frequencies, but it is simpler just to have a class variable count_ that maintains the total number of words read (and is reset to 0 by Erase()).

  4. Be sure you can explain the difference between the Erase of class OAA<K,D> and the Erase of class WordBench.