Data Structures, Algorithms, and Generic Programming
COP 4530 Spring 2004
Chapter Index
1. Introduction
2. A BitVector Class
3. C Strings, Proper Type, and String Objects
4. Template Classes and Functions
5. A Generic Vector Class
6. Introduction to Algorithms: Verification, Complexity, and Searching
7. A Generic List Class and Linked Lists
Chalktalk: TList - PushFront() and Testing
8. Generic Positional Containers and Double Ended Queues
9. Abstract Data Types: Stacks and Queues
Chalktalk: The Rat and Maze Specification
10. Function Classes and Objects
11. Generic Algorithms
12. Iterators
13. Generic Set Algorithms
14. Generic Associative Containers and Sorted Lists
15. Sets and Maps
16. Trees 1: Theory, Models, Generic Heap Algorithms, Priority Queues
17. Trees 2: Dynamic Binary Tree Navigation and Iteration
18. Trees 3: Construction of Dynamic Binary Trees
19. Trees 4: Associative Binary Tree Structures
A1. The Emacs Text Editor
A2. ELectronic Mail (elm)
A3. The G++ Compiler
A4. The Make Utility
A5. C/C++ Pointers, Arrays, and Pointer Arithmetic
A6. C++ Polymorphism
A7. The C++ I/O System
Z1. Patterns
Copyright notice: The source documents, rendered pages, and content
in this course are proprietary and may not be copied without express written
permission of the author. (C) 1999 - 2004 R.C. Lacher, Florida State