3. A Generic List Class and Linked Lists
1: List Intro
2: List Wish List
3: List Iterator Wish List
4: List Public Interface
5: List Public Interface (cont.)
6: List Public Interface (cont.)
7: List Complexity Requirements
8: List Iterator Public Interface
9: Using List
10: List Implementation Plan
11: List Implementation Plan (cont.)
12: Three Perspectives of List
13: List Iterator Implementation Plan
14: ListIterator<T>& ListIterator<T>::operator ++()
15: List Implementation Pitfalls
16: Defining Class List < T >
17: Defining class ListIterator < T >
18: Implementing class List < T >
19: Implementing class ListIterator < T >
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permission of the author. (C) 2019 R.C. Lacher, Florida State University.