Homework 1: Unix, Emacs, g++, & Make

Getting Familier with the Environment

Part 1: Unix and Emacs

Educational Objectives: After completing this assignment, the student should be able to do the following:

Operational Objectives: Submit documentation that you can use Emacs, modify your aliases, and create/use Unix scripts.

Deliverables: One file: report1.txt

This assignment consists of a sequence of steps performed with a Unix login session. To document your completion of these steps, copy/paste the screen results into a file named report1.txt through emacs. Then submit the assignment using the submit script process.

  1. Basic Documents. Find these documents using the course organizer:

    1. Unix/Emacs Hints
    2. FAQ
    3. C++ Coding Standards

    Familiarise yourself with these documents, so that you can use them as references when you need to know their details.

  2. Establish your Course Portfolio by completeing Assignment 0.

  3. Organize Account. Log in to your CS account. In your home directory, create a directory named cop3330. From within this directory, create a subdirectory named hw1. Complete the rest of this assignment inside this subdirectory.

  4. Set up Emacs. (This is part of Assignment 0, repeated here in case you missed it.) Log into your account on shell and copy some Emacs setup files that will make Emacs behave reasonably with respect to your keyboard:

    cp ~cop3330p/emacs_dot_files/.emacs ~/
    cp -r ~cop3330p/emacs_dot_files/.lisp/ ~/

    These files are publicly readable, so no group membership is required to copy them.

  5. Begin Report. Use Emacs to create a text file named report1.txt. Type the following information at the top of this file:

    COP 3330 Spring 2015
    Homework Assignment 1.1
    (Your Name)
    CS  Username: (Your CS Username - used for login to CS account)
    FSU Username: (Your BB Username - used for login to Blackboard)

    Save the file and exit emacs.

  6. Unix Command Scripts. After you have completed the required portion of this assignment, you may want to learn how to create a few time-saving (and mistake-preventing) Unix command scripts.

    1. From your home directory, get into the directory named ".bin"; create it if necessary.
    2. Using Emacs, create a file named "clean" with the following contents:
      rm $1/*.o
      rm $1/*.x
    3. Change the permissions on clean to 700 (owner executable) by entering the command:
      chmod 700 clean
    4. On your next login, you should now have the command clean that takes one argument, the name of the directory you want to clean up by removing object and executable files. The command is most often invoked in the current directory, as:
      clean .
    5. You can follow this model to create other convenience commands, such as shorthand compile commands.

  7. Aliases. Follow the instructions in the Unix/Emacs hints to create the "e" alias for Emacs.

  8. Finish Report. Use Emacs to re-open your file report1.txt. Open a second ssh window, and through that window get into your hw1 directory. Then issue these Unix commands:

    ls -l ~/cop3330/hw1/
    ls -l ~/.bin
    more ~/.alias
    more ~/.emacs
    ls -l ~/.lisp

    Using your mouse, copy the results of each of these commands into your report (via the Emacs session in your other ssh window). Then save your report and exit Emacs. Now close out the second ssh window.

  9. Submit Project. Submit the report using the assignment submit system:

    1. Copy the files ~cop3330p/LIB/scripts/submit.sh, ~cop3330p/LIB/hw1/deliverables1.sh, and ~cop3330p/LIB/hw1/deliverables2.sh into hw1
    2. Change permissions of these files to 700 (executable) by entering the command chmod 700 *.sh.
    3. Enter the command submit.sh deliverables1.sh
    4. Submit scripts are small unix shell scripts that look for the appropriate files, bundle them up using gzip and tar, and submit the package to cop3330p. If errors are detected, you should see feedback in red.
    5. Check your CS email (from shell) to verify that you receive two automatic responses to the submit:
      1. An email acknowledging receipt of the submission.
      2. An email containing the contents of what was received.
      Be sure that these agree with what you thought was submitted, and correct if necessary. Before the deadline, assignments may be re-submitted as many times as you like. The new submission is just copied over the old one.
  10. Checking CS Email. It is important that you check your CS Email regularly - at least daily. This is the system that is used by the department for all sorts of important stuff, including messages from the Department Chair, messages from the advising staff, messages from the local chapter of ACM, and ... email on assignments in this class. There are three ways to check your CS Email.

    1. Log in to shell and check with a command line mail client such as pine or elm.
    2. Set up a webmail client (see the system group web pages).
    3. Forward the email to another system by placing the forwarding address in a file named "~/.forward".
    Pick a way, and get used to it.

Part 2: Emacs, g++, and Make

Educational Objectives: After completing this assignment, the student should be able to do the following:

Operational Objectives: Create your CS account and submit documentation that you can create, build, and run multifile programs using Unix, Emacs, g++ and Make.

Deliverables: Use the command submit.sh deliverables2.sh to turn in the following files: makefile, main.cpp, machine.h, machine.cpp, user.h, user.cpp, report2.txt.

This assignment consists of a sequence of steps performed with a Unix/Linux login session. To document your completion of these steps, copy/paste the screen results into a file named report2.txt through emacs. Then submit the asignment using the submit script process.

  1. Re-use directory. Work in the directory cop3330/hw1 that you created for the first part of the assignment.

  2. Begin Report. Use Emacs to create a text file named report2.txt. Type the following information at the top of this file:

    COP 3330 Spring 2015
    Homework Assignment 1.2
    (Your Name)
    CS  Username: (Your CS Username   - used for login to CS account)
    FSU Username: (Your ACNS Username - used for login to Blackboard)

  3. Get Project Files. Copy all of the files in ~cop3330p/LIB/hw1/ into the hw1 directory by entering the command:

    cp ~cop3330p/LIB/hw1/* .

    Note that there are five C++ code files now in your directory: two header files and three implementation files. Use Emacs to examine each of these files. Note the #include<> statements referring to other files in the directory. Describe the header file contents and the implementation file contents. (Put the description in your report.)

  4. Learn what the servers are and what they are for. Look on the system web site and find out which CS servers are available to you and what they are used for. In particular:

    1. What is the "program stack"?
    2. What is the "linprog stack"?
    3. Where can you log in to send email?
    (Answer these questions in your report.)

  5. Compile Project. Log in to one of the linprog machines and issue the following sequence of commands:

    g++47 -c -Wall -Wextra -I. user.cpp
    g++47 -c -Wall -Wextra -I. machine.cpp
    g++47 -c -Wall -Wextra -I. main.cpp
    g++47 -osoda.x main.o machine.o user.o
    (Note that g++ and make are not available on shell. You need to log in to linprog or program to access these tools.) Note that these commands compile three implementation files to object code, and then create an executable named "soda.x". Use ls -l to verify that you have the object code files and the executable. Now run the executable (by entering its name). Explore enough to be able to describe this simulation, and write your description in the report.

    Access the online man pages for g++ and enter in your report the function of each of the flags -c, -Wall, -Wextra, -I, and -o. Which of these takes an argument, and what is the argument used above? (Explain.)

    Before beginning the next step, erase the object and executable files, using your "clean" script created in homework 1.1.

    It is advisable not to type the rm command with the '*' character anywhere - it carries out what you type without mercy. Many people have lost a lot of files being careless with rm.

  6. Create a Makefile. Now use the utility named make to simplify the compilation process for this project. Make is a program running on the Unix machines designed to read a file of compile commands (or other shell commands) and create and keep various targets up to date. The file read by make is called a makefile. The default name for a makefile is "makefile".

    1. Use Emacs to create a file named "makefile". Place the following header at the top of this file:
      # makefile for soda machine project
      # COP 3330 Assignment 1
      # (your name)
      Note the use of '#' to indicate comments.
    2. Place the four compile commands in the file, as follows:
      # (your name)
      <TAB>     g++47 -c -Wall -Wextra -I. user.cpp
      <TAB>     g++47 -c -Wall -Wextra -I. machine.cpp
      <TAB>     g++47 -c -Wall -Wextra -I. main.cpp
      <TAB>     g++47 -osoda.x main.o machine.o user.o
    3. Immediately above each compile command, place a target followed by a dependency list for the target. The target should be the expected result of the compile statement, followed by a colon, followed by the dependency list. The dependency list should be the files that are required for the target to be created. Example:
      machine.o: machine.h machine.cpp
      <TAB>     g++47 -c -Wall -Wextra -I. machine.cpp
      The depency list is determined by the #include<> statements in the code file being compiled. (Don't include library files in the dependency list, just the files that are specific to the project.)
    4. Now enter the command make soda.x. You should see the following on screen:
      program1[~/cop3330/hw1]>make soda.x
      g++47 -c -Wall -Wextra -I. main.cpp
      g++47 -c -Wall -Wextra -I. user.cpp
      g++47 -c -Wall -Wextra -I. machine.cpp
      g++47 -o soda.x main.o user.o machine.o
      and a check should show that the project has been completely compiled.
    5. Erase the executable (rm *.x) and re-issue the make command. Note that only one compile command is invoked, for the target soda.x.
    6. Erase all of the object code files (rm *.o). Issue the make command without arguments. Note that only the first target is created.
    7. Re-arrange the lines in the makefile so that the executable target (dependencies and compile command) is listed first. Erase all object code and issue the make command without arguments. Note that the desired executable target is created, along with the various object code files on which it depends.

  7. Complete Report. Make sure that all steps in this assignment are documented in the report file report2.txt. When a question is asked, answer it in writing in the report. To document a sequence of commands, open the report with Emacs in another window and copy/paste screen output into the report.

  8. Submit Project. Submit the makefile, source code, and report using the project submit system:

    1. You should have already copied the submit scripts in part 1 above.
    2. Enter the command submit.sh deliverables2.sh
    3. Warning: Submit scripts do not work on the program and linprog servers. Use shell to submit projects.

    4. Check your CS email (you learned to do this in homework 1.1) to verify that you receive two automatic responses to the submit:
      1. An email acknowledging receipt of the submission.
      2. An email containing the contents of what was received.
      Be sure that these agree with what you thought was submitted, and correct if necessary. Items may be re-submitted as many times as you like. The new submission is just copied over the old one.

  9. After submission, take the quiz HQ1 in Blackboard. This quiz covers these resources:

    1. Unix/Emacs Hints
    2. FAQ
    3. C++ Coding Standards
    4. g++
    5. Make
    6. This assignment

    Note that the quiz may be taken several times. The highest of the grades will be recorded and count as 20 points (40 percent of the assignment).