Educational Objectives: After completing this assignment the student should have the following knowledge, ability, and skills:
Operational Objectives: Implement and test the function templates Mean, Median, Sort, and Swap.
Deliverables: Two files: tstats.h and log.txt
Background: See lecture notes Chapter 12. Templates.
Copy the following files from the course library:
hw6/stattest.cpp # client program testing Stats Templates hw6/makefile # builds stattest1.x, ... , stattest11.x hw6/ # assignment submission script
Begin a log file named log.txt. This should be an ascii text file in cop3330/hw6 with the following header:
log.txt # log file for tstats project <date file created> <your name> <your CS username>
This file should document all work done by date and time, including all testing and test results.
Create the file tstats.h defining and implementing function templates for Mean, Median, Sort, and Swap. Be sure to make log entries for all work.
Test your implementation using the supplied client program stattest.cpp. There should be 11 versions of stattest.cpp, one for each numerical type listed in the program header documentation, named as in the distributed makefile. Again be sure to make log entries appropriately.
Turn in the files tstats.h and log.txt. using the submit script.
Warning: Submit scripts do not work on the program and linprog servers. Use to submit projects. If you do not receive two confirmations, the second with the contents of your project, there has been a malfunction.
In file tstats.h define and implement function templates with these prototypes:
template < typename T > long double Mean (const std::vector<T>& v); // returns mean of elements of v template < typename T > long double Median (std::vector<T>& v); // returns median of elements of v template < typename T > void Sort (std::vector<T>& v); // sorts elements of v template < typename T > void Swap (T& x, T& y); // interchanges values of x and y
The behavior and semantics are similar to the non-template functions from Homework 2, using vector instead of array to contain data.
Be sure your code conforms to the standards in C++ Style (available also through the Course Organizer).
Be sure that you have tested your code for syntax errors with the supplied test harness as well as your own test program, using the supplied makefile with warning flags set. All warnings should be eliminated.
Be sure that you have tested your code for both logic errors with the supplied test harness as well as your own test program.
Be sure that you have tested your code for genericity using all 11 numerical types signed char, short, int, long, unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned long, float, double, and long double.
Copy LIB/hw6/ Read and understand it. Change permissions to 700. Create data files data1, data2, data3, data4. Execute Be sure your data files are varied, so that int and float types get exercised with both even and odd sizes. If you get no errors and no differences to screen, you are in good shape.