Introduction to Operating Systems


Course Syllabus: COP 4610

Fall 1997


Section 2 - 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 103 LOV

Section 3 - 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 103 LOV



Instructor Mr. Jeff Bauer, 120 MCH,

644-4290 (office), (e-mail)


Office hours Monday and Wednesday from 2-4 PM and by appointment.


Grader Mr. Huilong Wu,


Textbook Operating Systems: A Design-Oriented Approach, by Charles Crowley


You will be expected to read most of this. It will be supplemented by the UNIX on-line manual pages (man), and by notes which will be provided as handouts and by electronic mail.


Class Home Page


Course objectives


You are expected to learn to:



A detailed schedule, showing tentative dates of reading assignments, quizzes, and programming assignments will be given on a separate handout.


Assignments & Grading Homework will be assigned on occasion from the textbook or via handouts. In addition, there will be several programming assignments, using the Java language and the UNIX operating system.


All assignments must be sent by electronic mail to by 4 PM on the due date. For your insurance against e-mail problems, it is strongly recommended that you keep an email copy.


The programming assignments will (tentatively) consist of five programming projects using SOS, an operating system simulator written in Java.


Programs will be graded according to the following guidelines:



Within these bands, matters such as style and documentation will be reflected. Programs that go beyond the assignment in some respect may occasionally be forgiven a few errors without lowering of grade, but students are cautioned against writing overly ambitious programs, since this grading scheme is harsh on non-working programs.


Programming assignments are to be done individually, unless the assignment specifies otherwise. It is a violation of the Academic Honor Code to take credit for code written by another person. It is also a violation to assist another person in violating the Code. (See the FSU Student Handbook for penalties for violations of the Honor Code.)


Short quizzes will be used to check up on reading and programming assignments. Missed quizzes may not be made up, but may be dropped from the final grade for verifiable excused absences. Homework assignments will also be used to encourage reading.


There will be one midterm (E1) and one final exam (E2). Make-up exams will not be given without prior consent of the instructor.


The final grade will be computed as follows:


H = (H1 + ... + Hm-1 + Hm) / m Homework average

P = (H + P1 + ... + Pn) / (n + 1) Program average

Q = (Q1 + Q2 + ... + Qk) / k Quiz average

E = max {(Q+E1+2*E2)/4, (E1+2*E2)/3, E2} Exam average


if (P < 70) or (E < 70) then

G = min{P,E}


G =(E+P)/2 Final grade


This policy rewards those who do well with both programming assignments and traditional classroom testing situations.


The final grade may be raised for exceptional class participation or marked improvement over the term, or in cases where the formula above appears skewed by a few exceptionally low grades or work missed for verifiable excusable reasons.


Attendance Attendance at all class meetings is expected. Although it will not be recorded, attendance and participation will have a strong indirect effect on your grade for the course. You are responsible for all information explained in class, some of which may not be available in written form. I will not feel obligated to repeat announcements of homework, future quizzes, exams, assignments, schedule changes, or hints on programming assignments. If you are forced to miss a class, it is also your responsibility to get good class notes from a friend and check with me for handouts. I will use email extensively to give out assignments and general class information.



Communication You are required to check your electronic mail frequently for information about this course, as well as the class home page. The class home page will contain a copy of the course gradebook, referenced by the last four digits of your Social Security Number. Let me know if you would rather use some other pseudonym for the on-line gradebook or if you would prefer that your grades not be posted at all on the web site. You are also encouraged to use email to ask questions and report problems.


Please advise me at your earliest convenience (minimum 1 week) if you have a disability that will require a reasonable accomodation for the successful completion of this course.


If you are experiencing difficulty or are concerned about your progress, please speak with me immediately.