CIS 5406-01
Summer 1999 - Lesson (13 - A)
Security Tools
Nmap is great for scanning a host (your machine) to see what services are running. This tool can also can be used to identify what kind of machine you are probing (see example below). With nmap, you can also do neat things like scan a network with fragmented IP packets. This makes it harder for intrusion detection systems to detect the scan. Once you install nmap on your linux/Solaris machine, see "man nmap".
Sample session:
nmap -P0 -O
Starting nmap V. 2.12 by Fyodor (,
Interesting ports on test1 (
Port State Protocol Service
21 open tcp ftp
23 open tcp telnet
25 open tcp smtp
37 open tcp time
53 open tcp domain
70 open tcp gopher
79 open tcp finger
80 open tcp http
98 open tcp linuxconf
109 open tcp pop-2
110 open tcp pop-3
111 open tcp sunrpc
113 open tcp auth
139 open tcp netbios-ssn
143 open tcp imap2
513 open tcp login
514 open tcp shell
635 open tcp unknown
2049 open tcp nfs
TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
Difficulty=1830008 (Good luck!)
Remote operating system guess: Linux 2.2.0-pre6 - 2.2.2-ac5
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2 seconds
------- next session -------
nmap -P0 -O terran
Starting nmap V. 2.12 by Fyodor (,
Interesting ports on (
Port State Protocol Service
21 open tcp ftp
70 open tcp gopher
80 open tcp http
135 open tcp loc-srv
139 open tcp netbios-ssn
1032 open tcp iad3
6000 open tcp X11
TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=trivial time dependency
Difficulty=7 (Trivial joke)
Remote operating system guess: Windows NT4 / Win95 / Win98
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1 second
Once you install nmap, see "man nmap". Another cool feature is the I flag. If the ident daemon is running on that machine, you can discover who is running what services (httpdroot?).
Saint is the predecessor to SATAN. Its a great tool for finding out any network accessible vulnerabilities in your machines. It even goes so far as recommending patches and web sites to visit in order to get the patches. I highly recommend it. It has a nice GUI web interface thats easy use and set up.
Show sample session from disco.
PortSentry can detect just about any scan out there.
Sniffit is a nice packet sniffing tool for linux. In order for sniffit to work, you have to be on the same ethernet segment as the target host. So, if I wanted to sniff packets going to/from a 192.168.1.* address from my machine in the 192.168.0.* subnet, I would be out of luck. Lets say someone from team one wants to sniff all the telnet traffic to the linux machine of team two. You would do the following:
sniffit -p 23 -t
This would allow you to "sniff" all packets going to the telnet port on their linux machine. This form of the command dumps packets in raw mode. If you want to get a better idea of whats happening, try:
sniffit -p 23 -A . -t
This will clean things up a bit so you can see the passwords as they are being typed.
NukeNabber is similar to PortSentry, but for NT. Its easy to install and there is little or no configuration necessary. It even caught the nmap sS terran scan.
Show demo.