Summer 1997 - Lesson 13

			    TCP/IP and Routing

I.  TCP/IP Theory

    A. Protocol Stacks

	 1. ISO/OSI -- Rarely implemented

	      a. 7 layer approach

	      b. Describe layers

	 2. IPX -- Novell's networking implementation

	      a. Mainly used in NetWare

	      b. Also used in PC games for LAN games

	 3. AppleTalk

	      a. Primarily used on Macintoshes, but Unix/Linux implementations exist

	      b. Can be run across different hardware

		   i.  LocalTalk -- serial lines

		   ii. EtherTalk -- standard ethernet

	 4. TCP/IP -- We will learn about this protocol stack next

	 5. How data travel down layers

	 6. How data travel across media

	 7. How data travel up layers

    B. Description of TCP/IP

	 1. 4 layer approach

	      a. Some layers are combinations of multiple ISO/OSI layers

	      b. Appears to be missing some ISO/OSI features

	      c. Hardware independent

	      d. Application layer

	      e. Transport layer

	      f. IP layer

	      g. Network access layer

	 2. Popularized by the Internet

	 3. Two main transport layer protocols

	      a. TCP -- Transmission Control Protocol

	      b. UDP -- User Datagram Protocol

	 4. IP layer fragmentation

	      a. Different packet sizes

	      b. MTU -- Maximum Transmission Unit

    C. Software that looks into TCP/IP

	 1. Useful for debugging network problems

	 2. Also used by hackers to determine weaknesses

	 3. Two main kinds

	      a. The kind that peeks into a packet

		   i.   tcpdump (BSD/Linux)

			1) Output is too raw and verbose to be included
			     in the notes, but will show in class

		   ii.  etherfind (SunOS)

			1) Output from Jeff's previous lecture:

			     command: etherfind -x -v -between sed sig

			     UDP from sed.2049 to sig.1020  52 bytes
			     08 00 20 07 4b c4 08 00 20 1d f1 aa 08 00 45 00
			     00 48 9f 85 00 00 ff 11 27 a3 80 ba 79 9d 80 ba
			     79 6a 08 01 03 fc 00 34 00 00 2f 40 80 6c 00 00
			     00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
			     00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 2e 2e 2f 76 61 72
			     2f 73 70 6f 6f 6c

			     frame size = 86 bytes    

		   iii. snoop (Solaris)

			1) Output from snoop -v linuxfs1:

			     ETHER:  ----- Ether Header -----
			     ETHER:  Packet 82 arrived at 9:53:53.59
			     ETHER:  Packet size = 60 bytes
			     ETHER:  Destination = 0:c0:f0:16:37:1c, 
			     ETHER:  Source      = 8:0:20:1d:f1:aa, Sun
			     ETHER:  Ethertype = 0800 (IP)
			     IP:   ----- IP Header -----
			     IP:   Version = 4
			     IP:   Header length = 20 bytes
			     IP:   Type of service = 0x00
			     IP:         xxx. .... = 0 (precedence)
			     IP:         ...0 .... = normal delay
			     IP:         .... 0... = normal throughput
			     IP:         .... .0.. = normal reliability
			     IP:   Total length = 44 bytes
			     IP:   Identification = 65103
			     IP:   Flags = 0x0
			     IP:         .0.. .... = may fragment
			     IP:         ..0. .... = last fragment
			     IP:   Fragment offset = 0 bytes
			     IP:   Time to live = 60 seconds/hops
			     IP:   Protocol = 6 (TCP)
			     IP:   Header checksum = 8bca
			     IP:   Source address =, sed
			     IP:   Destination address =, sim
			     IP:   No options
			     TCP:  ----- TCP Header -----
			     TCP:  Source port = 3138
			     TCP:  Destination port = 23 (TELNET)
			     TCP:  Sequence number = 1271424000
			     TCP:  Acknowledgement number = 0
			     TCP:  Data offset = 24 bytes
			     TCP:  Flags = 0x02
			     TCP:        ..0. .... = No urgent pointer
			     TCP:        ...0 .... = No acknowledgement
			     TCP:        .... 0... = No push
			     TCP:        .... .0.. = No reset
			     TCP:        .... ..1. = Syn
			     TCP:        .... ...0 = No Fin
			     TCP:  Window = 4096
			     TCP:  Checksum = 0xd752
			     TCP:  Urgent pointer = 0
			     TCP:  Options: (4 bytes)
			     TCP:    - Maximum segment size = 1460 bytes
			     TELNET:  ----- TELNET:   -----
			     TELNET:  ""

		   iv.  They let us see all of a packet

	      b. The kind that probes a system to see what's running

		   i.   netstat -- local machines only

			Sample netstat output:

Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:6606    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:6776    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:6790    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:6841    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:6858    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:6924    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:6984    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:1023   FIN_WAIT2   
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:1022    ESTABLISHED 
tcp       32      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:7050    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:7116    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:7182    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.ed:7742    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0 linuxfs1.cs.fsu.:login   ESTABLISHED 

		   ii.  strobe -- probe a system's ports

			Sample strobe output:

strobe (c) 1994 *Proff* All Rights Reserved.
linuxfs1                       ftp                 21/tcp 
linuxfs1                       unknown             22/tcp unassigned
linuxfs1                       telnet              23/tcp 
linuxfs1                       smtp                25/tcp mail
linuxfs1                       time                37/tcp timserver
linuxfs1                       gopher              70/tcp # gopher server
linuxfs1                       finger              79/tcp 
linuxfs1                       pop-2              109/tcp # PostOffice V.2
linuxfs1                       pop-3              110/tcp # PostOffice V.3
#linuxfs1                      pop                110/tcp # PostOffice V.3
linuxfs1                       sunrpc             111/tcp 
#linuxfs1                      sunrpc             111/tcp portmapper	# RPC 4.0 portmapper UDP
linuxfs1                       auth               113/tcp ident           # User Verification
linuxfs1                       imap               143/tcp # imap network mail protocol
linuxfs1                       login              513/tcp # BSD rlogind(8)
linuxfs1                       shell              514/tcp cmd		# BSD rshd(8)
linuxfs1                       printer            515/tcp spooler		# BSD lpd(8)
linuxfs1                       unknown            791/tcp unassigned
linuxfs1                       unknown            827/tcp unassigned
linuxfs1                       unknown            926/tcp unassigned
linuxfs1                       unknown           1032/tcp unassigned
linuxfs1                       unknown           2049/tcp unassigned

    D. Physical network types

	 1. Many different types

	 2. Token Ring

	 3. FDDI

	 4. ATM

	 5. Ethernet

	 6. Others

    E. Description of ethernet

	 1. Several hardware implementations here, too

	      a. Hardware, but won't steal Jeff's thunder... :)

	      b. Thicknet	(10Base5)

	      c. Thinnet	(10Base2)

	      d. Twisted Pair   (10BaseT/100BaseT)

	      e. Fiber	        (10BaseF/100BaseF)

	 2. Ethernet headers and trailers

	 3. Ethernet header/trailer contents

    F. Software that looks into ethernet

	 1. tcpdump/etherfind/snoop also allow you to see the ethernet header

    G. Ethernet addresses

	 1. Unique MAC (Media Access Control) addresses

	 2. These are how the cards talk to each other

	 3. ARP -- Address Resolution Protocol

	 4. Description of ARP

	 5. ARP table

	      Sample ARP table (arp -a on linuxfs1):

Address			HWtype	HWaddress	    Flags Mask		  Iface         	ether   00:C0:F0:13:18:78   C     *               eth0         	ether   00:C0:F0:13:18:74   C     *               eth0  	ether   00:00:0C:36:F9:B2   C     *               eth0     	ether   08:00:20:75:FE:D0   C     *               eth0      	ether   08:00:20:04:D2:F5   C     *               eth0      	ether   08:00:20:0E:B0:40   C     *               eth0        	ether   00:C0:F0:16:4D:13   C     *               eth0        	ether   00:A0:24:8E:31:06   C     *               eth0         	ether   08:00:20:04:D3:E5   C     *               eth0        	ether   08:00:20:75:D8:60   C     *               eth0     	ether   00:C0:F0:16:34:66   C     *               eth0          	ether   08:00:20:7D:4F:49   C     *               eth0          	ether   08:00:20:1D:F0:37   C     *               eth0    	ether   00:C0:F0:16:30:E0   C     *               eth0         	ether   00:05:9A:A0:4C:5E   C     *               eth0         	ether   08:00:20:1D:F1:AA   C     *               eth0         	ether   00:C0:F0:13:1F:F0   C     *               eth0       	ether   08:00:69:0C:8D:4A   C     *               eth0

	 6. WindowsNT

	      Sample WindowsNT arp -a command output:

  Internet Address      Physical Address      Type        08-00-20-1d-f0-37     dynamic        00-a0-24-8e-31-06     dynamic        08-00-20-7d-4f-49     dynamic        00-c0-f0-16-4d-13     dynamic       00-c0-f0-16-37-1c     dynamic       00-c0-f0-16-25-45     dynamic       00-00-a7-00-b5-b0     dynamic

	 7. RARP -- Reverse Adress Resolution Protocol

	 8. How RARP works

	      a. RARP mappings in /etc/ethers under Unix/Linux or in
		   NIS map (like us).  CS Dept's is called ethers

	      Sample /etc/ethers from nu:

		   [501]$ cat /etc/ethers
		   8:0:20:10:49:81 nu			    
		   8:0:20:1:b4:36  sync
		   8:0:1:1:83:8f   omicron
		   8:0:20:0:ce:46  exec    
		   8:0:20:1a:f3:86 grep
		   8:0:20:c:5f:d8  ioctl
		   8:0:20:10:48:24 brk
		   8:0:20:4:d2:f5  export
		   8:0:20:10:4c:de access
		   8:0:20:e:b0:40  mu
		   8:0:20:10:55:5d shmop
		   8:0:20:10:3c:a9 dup
		   8:0:20:10:49:93 eta

	      Sample ypcat ethers:

		   [511]$ ypcat ethers
		   0:0:c:e:4d:84           Dirac_local_net
		   2:60:8C:29:19:83        pc27-dead
		   2:60:8C:28:50:63        pc26-dead
		   2:60:8c:1b:e2:19        adm-pc1
		   8:0:4c:0:21:65  tcpts1
		   08:00:20:03:f4:f6       sy2000
		   8:0:20:1:de:49  sigma
		   8:0:14:11:39:36 ocean
		   8:0:20:f:a2:bb  mount
		   8:0:14:10:92:49 iris1
		   aa:00:04:00:3b:1d evax3         # 7.315
		   aa:00:04:00:36:1d evax1         # 7.310
		   8:0:20:0:a0:cc  yogi
		   8:0:20:0:ba:93   sun5
		   8:0:20:1a:f3:86 grep
		   0:0:a7:14:54:f0 bent
		   02:60:8c:0b:3a:01       ug1
		   0:80:42:9:1:54  sim

	 9. Why is RARP useful?

    H. IP Addresses

	 1. Two parts:  Network and Host

	 2. IP Address is 4 bytes long (32 bits)

	      a. How many potential addresses?

	      b. 2^32 = > 4 billion -- this ought to be enough, but...

	      c. IP addresses are doled out in networks, not hosts...

	      d. so, we are running out.

	 3. Class-based addressing

	      a. 3 main classes:  A, B, C

	      b. Class A addresses -- First bit of first byte is 0

	      c. Class B addresses -- First two bits of first byte are 10

	      d. Class C addresses -- First three bits of first byte are 110

	      e. 2 other classes: D, E

	      f. Class D addresses -- First four bits of first byte are 1110

	      g. Class E addresses -- First five bits of first byte are 11110

	      h. Solution to running out of addresses:  IPng

	      i.   IPv6 (we are currently using IPv4)

		   ii.  16 byte (128 bit) IP addresses

		   iii. For a total of 665,570,793,348,866,943,898,599 addresses
			per sq. meter of the Earth.

		   iv.  Should be enough

		   v.   Will be backward compatible with IPv4

    I. Subnetting

	 1. Creates additional networks under another net for various reasons:

	      a. Hardware may have a length limitation per strand

	      b. Simplify the topology of your network

	      c. Different networking media that need to be linked together

	 2. "Steals" some of the host part of the IP address for the network part

	 3. Uses a bitmask (called a subnet mask or simply a netmask)

	 4. Example -- CS department (

	      a. IP address is

	      b. This is a class B address

	      c. With a netmask of, we ACNS has...

	      d. Seperated it into another network under

	 5. Harder example -- netmasks don't have to be on a byte boundary

	      a. IP address of network is

	      b. This is a class B address

	      c. Netmask is

	      d. Space for 6 addresses (not eight since bit combinations
		   000 and 111 are reserved)

	      e. They are,,,, and

    J. Setting up TCP/IP

	 1. First, you need NIC(s)

	 2. Configure OS for NIC(s)

	 3. Unix/Linux

	      a. Configure interface(s) in the computer

	      b. ifconfig command

	      c. How ifconfig is used

	      d. Once interface is up, make sure you have routes for packets
		   destined outside your network

	      e. Some other things (DNS/routing) will be discussed later

	      f. Configuring system for name resolving (/etc/resolv.conf)

	 4. WindowsNT/95

	      a. Similar to Unix/Linux, but with pretty GUI dialogs
		   (pun intended)

	      b. Walkthrough of GUI dialog for TCP/IP setup

    K. Virtual Hosting (* optional *)

	 1. IP addresses assigned to NIC, not computer

	 2. A computer can have multiple NICs

	 3. Interfaces don't have to be physical devices

	 4. Loopback device

	 5. Dummy interface

	 6. Can configure dummy interfaces to respond to any IP Address

	 7. My setup at home

	 8. Setting up virtual interface

	 9. Commands for my setup

	 10. How I route packets to my device

	 11. This is known as Virtual Hosting

	 12. Why is this helpful?

II. Routing Theory

    A. Why do we need routing?

	 1. Machines on same network don't need it

	 2. Two disparate physical nets DO need it

	 3. Routers/Gateways (slightly different, but we will use the
	      terms interchangeably)

    B. Main types of routing

	 1. Two types

	 2. Static

	 3. Dynamic

    C. Static routes in depth

	 1. Entered manually

	 2. Every machine should have at least one:  the default route

	 3. Advantage

	 4. Disadvantage

	 5. Method for adding (route command)

	 6. Adding an imaginary route to through xi would be:

	      i.   route add -net netmask gw \ (Linux)

	      ii.  route add net (SunOS/Solaris)

	      iii. route add -net (Irix)

    D. Dynamic routes in depth

	 1. Uses routing daemons

	 2. Two main daemons

	      i.   routed (pronounced route-dee)

	      ii.  gated (pronounced gate-dee)

	 3. Advantages

	 4. Disadvantage (a HUGE one)

    E. Kernel routing table

	 1. What is it?

	 2. How is it used?

	 3. How does routing work?  Do we have routes to everywhere?

    F. Routing protocols

	 1. Three main ones:  RIP, EGP, BGP

	 2. RIP -- Routing Information Protocol

	      a. Interior routing protocol

	      b. Selects the route with lowest "hop count"

	      c. RIP's assumption...

	 3. EGP -- Exterior Gateway Protocol

	      a. Older exterior routing protocol

	      b. Announces what networks it can reach

	      c. Unlike RIP, do not choose routes that are best

	 4. BGP -- Border Gateway Protocol

	      a. Newer exterior routing protocol

	      b. Provides more info than EGP for policy-based routing

	 5. Most systems never actually run the exterior protocols

    G. Setting up Routing

	 1. First of all, choose a routing strategy (static v. dynamic)

	 2. How CS Dept. is set up...

	 3. Choosing exterior routing protocol...

	 4. What machines can you use for routing?

	 5. Some tidbits about routers and what they can be used for
	      in securing your networks

    H. Supernetting (* optional *)

	 1. Reverse analogue of subnetting

	 2. Why is this useful?  It groups several networks together into
	      one routing table entry to save routing table space

	 3. It provides relief for clogging of routing tables in the
	      core routers that are the core of the internet

III. TCP/IP and Routing in Practice

    A. Using software to debug network problems

	 1. Some of above software is useful for this

	 2. Ping is a good candidate to discover if a host is up or down,
	      and to see if network connectivity has been lost to a net

	 3. It's a good idea to ping hosts every now and then to see if
	      things are at least running...running smoothly is another
	      matter, right Chris?  :)

	 4. Traceroute is another VERY useful program

	 5. Finally, tcpdump/etherfind/snoop are also useful to make sure
	      that traffic is proceeding well