CIS 5406-01
Summer 1997 - Lesson 8

Sharing Files

A. Introduction
   Several general methods of distributing information:
   1. centralized
      a. "push" copies (server to multiple clients)
      b. "pull" copies (multiple clients to server)
      c. access on each lookup (NIS) (a form of "pulling")
   2. distributed
      - there is no one global map
      - DNS is an example, Web service is another
B. Centralized UNIX-based tables - push copies
  1. "rdist"
     - yet another script syntax
     - Sample of a SCRI "rdist" script:

# ibms50 (www) is the Web server and has different file requirements
${FILES} -> ${HOSTS}
	special /etc/motd.master "touch /etc/motd.local 2> /dev/null";
# ibms50 (www) is the Web server and has different file requirements
${IBMS50FILES} -> ibms50
	special /etc/motd.master "touch /etc/motd.local 2> /dev/null";
  2. It can be easier to write your own scripts using "rcp"
  3. "distrib" - home-grown distribution shell script
       - must be trusted as root by each machine in list
       - /.rhosts contains "nu" on each machine
       - if all remote execution scripts reference the same
         file lists then you only have to update these lists
         when adding a new machine
       echo "distribute $2 to machine list $1"
       set hosts=" `cat $1` "
       foreach i ( $hosts )
         if ( { set x=`/usr/etc/ping $i 5` } ) then
           if ( $#argv == 2 ) then
              rcp $2 $i\:$2
              echo "-------$i copied $2"
           else if ($#argv == 3) then
              rcp $2 $i\:$3
              echo "-------$i copied $2 to $3"
              echo "Error in arguments"
              exit 0
           echo "-------$i dead"
      - Example invocation: "distrib /tmp/newmotd /etc/motd"
  4. "rc" - remote command home-grown script
        - execute a command for named machine list
       set hosts=" `cat $1` "
       foreach i ( $hosts ) 
         if ( { set x=`ping $i 5` } ) then
           echo "$i--------------------------- "
           rsh $i $argv[2-]
           echo "-------$i dead"
       - example:  rc solaris 'df -k | grep 0s0'
C. Centralized tables - pull copies
  1. simple methods 
     - Use "rcp" - remote copy
       example: "rcp xi:/etc/motd /etc/motd"
     - would like to be able to copy from non-trusted machines
     - for example, would like to use FTP or other programs
       that are written for interactive
  2. Use "expect"
     - a regular script allows you to simply fork()-exec() a
     - many interactive programs think that they are manipulating a real
     - they can't be run from a shell script
     - the "expect" program runs its subprocesses using pseudo-terminals
     - the "expect" program is a set of extensions to TCL (the tool
       command language)
     - "expect" differs from other scripting languages in that it
         allows for incremental step-by-step control of subprocesses
     - three "expect" commands are:
        spawn - start up a subprocess to control
        send - feed input to a subprocess
        expect - take action depending on a subprocess's output
    example: ftp.example
      #!/usr/local/bin/expect -f
      spawn /usr/ucb/ftp
      expect "Name*: "   {send "anonymous\n"}
      expect "Password:" {send "[exec whoami]\n"}
      expect "ftp>" {send "cd /pub/thesis\n"}
      expect "ftp>" {send "binary\n"}
      expect "ftp>" {send "get\n"}
      expect "ftp>" {send "quit\n"}
      send_user "Got the file..\n"
      exit 0
    things "expect" can do:
      +   Cause your computer to dial you back, so  that  you
          can login without paying for the call.
      +   Run fsck, and in response to its questions,  answer
          "yes", "no"  or give control back to you, based on
          predetermined criteria.
      +   Connect to another network or BBS (e.g., MCI  Mail,
          CompuServe) and automatically retrieve your mail so
          that it appears as if it  was  originally  sent  to
          your local system.
      +   Carry environment variables, current directory,  or
          any kind of information across rlogin, telnet, tip,
          su, chgrp, etc.
      A good book on expect is Exploring Expect   
D. Centralized tables - access on each lookup
  1. NIS 
     - the flat files (usually in /etc)
       automount tables, passwd, ethers, netgroup, aliases
       > The "real" copy sits on the servers, the clients have
         copies with "+" signs in them
     - the maps (/var/yp/)
       > Served to clients (nu:/var/yp/csdept)
  2. servers
     ypinit -m  
       > creates a master yp server
       > creates the maps from scratch 
       > uses a Makefile in /var/yp
       > updates the maps 
       > use this when you have modified a flat file
		cd /var/yp
       > the server daemon 
       > one important flag (-d) says go to DNS if /etc/hosts
         can't resolve name)
  3. clients
       > binds client machine to a server
       > must have "domainname" set
       > usually broadcasts for a server with "domainname"
       > security hole, why? (see bottom of pg. 395)
       > should specifically request service from a machine
       > must be supporting RPC services
       > this means must have portmapper running
       > the server must also run ypbind
  4. netgroups - grouping mechanism
     where member is a triple (hostname, username, domainname)
     lpdaemon2 (mary,daemon,) (export,daemon,) (touch,daemon,)\
        (awk,daemon,) (look,daemon,) (listen,daemon,) (nice,daemon,)\
        (biff,daemon,) (close,daemon,) (sleep,daemon,) (wall,daemon,)\
        (ping,daemon,) (click,daemon,) (omega,daemon,)
        (awk,daemon,) (look,daemon,) (listen,daemon,) (nice,daemon,)\
        (biff,daemon,) (close,daemon,) (sleep,daemon,) (wall,daemon,)\
        (ping,daemon,) (click,daemon,) (omega,daemon,)
     - this allows user daemon on named host to be trusted
     - (,,) is a universal 
     - (,,csdept) - the domain field is the domain that the triple is
          valid, not the trusted domain, the above example is universal
  5. user commands
     see list on page 398 of USA
     Linux "ypbind" package comes with:
        ypcat    - ypcat passwd | grep kuncick
        ypmatch  - ypmatch kuncick passwd
        yppasswd - not implemented here
        yppoll   - yppoll passwd
        ypset    - forces ypbind to connect to a particular server
        ypwhich  - should return nu
  6. functions
     - a number of programmer's functions making use of
       NIS are in section 3 of the "man" pages.
  7. advantages and disadvantages
     - no subdomains
       > would like
         (class of users, class of machines) setup
         passwd.grads               gradlab
         passwd.majors              faculty
         passwd.staff               majorslab
         (passwd.grads: gradlab, majorslab)
     - performance hog
       > look at nu's load
       > can use slave servers
       > consistency problems
     - security holes
  8. NIS+
     - Totally rewritten from the ground up
     - Borrows the DNS style of hierarchy
     - Complex, not discussed here
  9. Finally, some vendor-specific solutions exist for sharing files
     among machines from the same vendor.  Too detailed to cover here,
     but check your vendor's specifics!  Example - HP-UX has the
     concept of a "cluster" that can be managed by "sam".
  UNIX and Windows NT File Compatability  
Interoperability between many networked operating systems is possible.  The
general approach is to either have both sides agree to use a set of open
standards and exchange information (example - an NFS client package installed
on a Windows PC interacting with an UNIX-based NFS server) or to have one side
"pretend" to be something recognizable to the other operating system.
A popular UNIX-based example of this is Samba


Samba is used within the department, where NT users' home directories are
really their UNIX home directories that are Samba-mounted as network drives
on the NT machines.
On xi, the Samba daemons (smbd and nmbd) are started from /etc/rc2.d/S86samba:
# Start xdm for the xterminals
if [ -f /usr/samba/lib/smb.conf ]; then
   /usr/samba/bin/smbd -D
   /usr/samba/bin/nmbd -D 
   echo "samba"
The smbd daemon, to quote from the man page:
smbd is a server that can provide most SMB services. The server provides filespace and
printer services to clients using the SMB protocol. This is compatible with the LanManager
protocol, and can service LanManager clients.
The nmbd daemon:
nmbd is a server that understands and can reply to netbios name service requests, like
those produced by LanManager clients. It also controls browsing.
LanManager clients, when they start up, may wish to locate a LanManager server.
That is, they wish to know what IP number a specified host is using.
This program simply listens for such requests, and if its own name is specified it will
respond with the IP number of the host it is running on. "Its own name" is by default the
name of the host it is running on, but this can be overriden with the -n option (see
"OPTIONS" below). Using the
Nmbd can also be used as a WINS (Windows Internet Name Server) server. It will
do this automatically by default. What this basically means is that it will respond to all
name requests that it receives that are not broadcasts, as long as it can resolve the
Operation of Samba is controlled by the "smb.conf" file, which contains Windows-style
stanzas.  An example, from the INSTALL.txt file:
The simplest useful configuration file would be something like this:
   workgroup = MYGROUP
      guest ok = no
      read only = no
which would allow connections by anyone with an account on the server,
using either their login name or "homes" as the service name.  The options
available in smb.conf are, unfortunately, quite complex -- read the "smb.conf"
man page for all the details!