CIS 5406-01
Summer 1997 - Lesson 15

Network Hardware

A. Ethernet - the dominant network solution
   1. Broadcast protocol over a common wire
   2. CSMA/CD - carrier-sense, multiple-access, collison-detection
      "a polite dinner party" (USAH)
   3. everybody sends, if there is a collision, then 
      apply the truncated binary exponential backoff algorithm and
      try again (see page 290-291 of USAH for details)
   4. above a certain load the algorithm breaks down (some say
      more than 30% saturation)
   5. Note that the media supports multiple protocols, so the same
      wire can support multiple TCP/IP connections as well as,
      say, Novell, DECnet and Macintosh Ethertalk traffic.
B. Ethernet cable types
   1. 10base5	"thicknet"
      - 50-ohm RG-11 coaxial cable
      - N-type connectors
      - vampire tap transceiver or in-line
      - can span up to 500 meters
      - unwieldy
      - making a good tap is a fine art
      - might not be near a 2.5 meter "black mark" (especially in a lab
        with many machines)
      - connect to machine with an AUI (Attachment Unit Interface)  cable
  Look at table 5.2 in MWNTS4 for 10base5 restrictions (page 117) 
   2. 10base2	"thinnet"
      - 50-ohm RG-58 cable (close to cable TV type cable)
      - BNC-type connectors
      - use a T-connector to attach transceiver
      - many computer and xterms have built-in tranceivers
      - cable is more flexible
      - easier to attach
      - but maximum length is only 1/3 of thick coax
      - if the machine is connected directly then must loop
        into office (using up more precious length)
      Look at table 5.1 in MWNTS4 for 10base2 restrictions (page 116)
   3. 10baseT	"twisted pair"
      - twisted pair cable with RJ-45 connectors
      - star configuration to a hub or concentrator device
      - easier to isolate problems since a machine will
        only bring down its own wire
        versus a coax bus configuration where a bad transceiver or
        connector can bring down everybody on the wire
      - a bad hub can be a real pain, though, and is a single
        point of failure (luckily hubs are cheap and plentiful)
      - star configuration is easy to install in a lab
        but more difficult down a long hallways of offices
      - length limit is 100 meters
      - if having it installed in the walls then go ahead and
        use Level V (category 5) wire - aka "cat 5"
      - Note wiring standard for four-pair UTP to an RJ-45 jack
        on page 295 of USAH
     Look at table 5.3 in MWNTS4 for 10baseT restrictions (page 119)
   4a. 100baseT
      - "fast ethernet" (100 Mbits/sec) over same "cat 5"/RJ45 wiring scheme
	     as 10baseT
   5. 10baseF	"fiber"
      - connectors, transceivers, and hiring someone to polish
        and test the fiber is more expensive
      - can extend your LAN up to 2 kilometers
      - also, resistant to lightning
  It is worth reading the IEEE 802 specs on pages 122 through 132 in MWNTS4,
  since sometimes manufacturers refer to these numbers.
Here is an excellent source of Ethernet info.
C. Connecting and expanding networks
   1. Repeaters
      - operate at the physical layer of the network model
      - do not recognize MAC addresses, IP numbers, or machine names
      - they simply re-energize the packet and send it along
      - multi-port repeaters offer more functionality
      - they can isolate segments in addition to extending length
      - Topology restraints (Exhibit E on page 299 of USAH): two farthest points
	must never be more than four repeaters apart
   2. Bridges
      - useful for reducing traffic load
      - operate at the data link layer
      - read the ethernet header
      - know about what? (MAC addresses and packet types)
      - bridges can be managed or unmanaged (software controlled via SNMP)
      - bridges build a table of MAC addresses to either pass through
        or discard ("smart bridges")
      - Question: say you have a host from which you are being
        attacked (for example, Can you use the
        bridge to lock out the machine from your net?
        (no, only the MAC address of the next link in the route)
   3. Switches
      - Smart device with a fast backplane and multiple ports
      - Acts like multiple bridges (switches at the MAC layer usually)
        but all in the same box
      - Each port typically can run full throttle (each is it's own
        10 Mbits/sec or 100 MBits/sec with the backplane running at an aggregate
        speed that supports the sum of all the port speeds for all ports)
      - Fancier/newer switches permit creation of "virtual LANs"; logical
        grouping of port populations across the switch backplane.
      - Some switches even provide router-like functionality (packet filtering)
   4. Routers
      - operate at the network layer
      - are protocol specific
      - an IP router maps IP numbers to networks 
      - this is fine if you are only using IP on your net
      - routers keep out unwanted traffic based on IP address
      - the FSU routers use RIP; someday will use higher-level
	    interior and exterior gateway protocols
D. Other type of networks
   1. FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface
      - 100 Mb/sec token ring (scales better than ethernet under heavy loads)
      - Can have a single ring or a dual ring
      - Traditionally carried over fiber, also runs over
	"cat 5" UTP (unshielded twisted pair) using RJ45 connectors
    (also known as CDDI - Copper Distributed Data Interface)
      - Example: SCRI has an FDDI backbone for file servers and
	ethernet bridges
      - Emergence of "fast ethernet" eroding FDDI market
	(even though FDDI has better throughput with heavy loads),
     due to existing cat 5 wiring, easier hub integration and
     much cheaper interface cards
   1. FCS - Fiber Channel Standard
     - 256 Mb/sec to 1 Gb/sec
     - Point to point or a hub strategy
     - Tiny part of networking marketplace; will probably only
       be a high speed bus extension methodology
   1. ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
      - USAH book is somewhat sarcastic about ATM
        Here's a nice starting point to learn more about ATM.
      - formidable objective: 
           A universal switching and multiplexing technique to 
           support integrated transport of multi-rate traffic
      - capability for real-time transmission of voice, video, plus
        high-speed data
      - Data rates: OC-1 (51 megabits-per-seond) to OC-48 (2.488 gigabits-per-second!)
	OC-3 (155 MBsec) is common.
      - the entire issue of the Feb (1995?) Communications of the ACM is devoted
        to ATM
   2. other requirements
      - must be cost-effective and scalable
        > can't require a $5,000 device at every user interface
        > but must scale up to devices that can handle large sites
      - scalability is enhanced by a switch-based architecture
        and a common cell structure
      - must support multi-casting (one sender, multiple receivers)
   3. driving applications
      - digital medical imaging
      - entertainment ("video on demand")
      - supercomputer data transfers
      - distributed network computing
   4. ATM cells
      - based on small fixed size cell
      - 5 byte header 
      - followed by data segment
        > much squabbling over proper cell size
        > phone company wanted small cell to reduce delay (for voice)
        > data folks want larger cell to reduce the amount of segmentation
          and reassembly
      - compromised on 48-byte data segment
   5. ATM is connection-oriented
      - before data is transferred a connection is requested
      - as the connection is established VCI/VPI pairs are
        allocated along the connection path
      - the switches along the way allocate bandwidth and maintain
        VCI/VPI mappings 
      - since a single path is allocated, cell ordering can be guaranteed
      - because of low bit-error rates in optical fiber the error checking
        only has to be performed at network-boundary nodes or at end-user
    The Internet 2 and VBNS projects are efforts underway to upgrade a subset
    of the Internet to high-speed ATM-based networks.  FSU and other university/
    national labs are trying to figure out how it will all work.  A good starting
    point for I2 information can be found at the FSU Internet2 web site.
E. Computer science LAN configuration
    Here is a diagram of our current LAN configuration
   1. Balancing several factors
      - maximum cable length (167 meters for thinnet)
      - maximum number of machines (30 on a single segment)
      - network load 
   2. Deal with length problems by using multi-port repeaters and an
      Ethernet switch
   3. Deal with number of machines per segment by using
      multi-port repeaters and an Ethernet switch
   4. Deal with local congestion by using bridges and an Ethernet switch
   5. Router exists for outside world connection
F. software tools
   1. ping
      - in TCP/IP's 4-layer model, which layers must be functioning in
        order for ping to work?
      - can you ping a UNIX machine which is in single-user mode?
      - can you ping an NT workstation, NT server, Win95 or Macintosh machine?
   2. netstat -i
      shows the machines network interface configuration
      Name  Mtu  Net/Dest      Address   Ipkts  Ierrs Opkts  Oerrs Collis
      le0   1500   mu        5726725 0    2037668 0    5830  
      lo0   1536 loopback      localhost 183803  0    183803  0    0     
      - MTU: maximum transmission unit
        > ethernet MTU is 1500 bytes 
        > this is the size of the packet not including the 14-byte ethernet
          header or the 4-byte etherneet trailer
        > a typical token-ring MTU is 4464 bytes
        > a typical FDDI MTU is 4352 bytes
        > a typical FCS MTU is 65280 bytes
   3. netstat -r
      netstat -r
      Routing tables
      Destination    Gateway              Flags  Refcnt Use  Interface   UGH    0      0          le0   UGH    0      0          le0  UGH    0      0          le0
      localhost      localhost            UH     2      463210     lo0 UG     0      0          le0
      default UG     1      397884     le0 UG     0      0          le0 UG     0      20848      le0    nu                   U      46     9180392    le0
      flags - U: route is up
              G: route is to a gateway
      refcnt: current number of active uses per route
      use: number of packets sent per route
   4. netstat -a
      netstat -a | grep login
      rlogin to machine
      netstat -a | grep login
   5. traceroute
   omicron:/usr/bin> traceroute
   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
    1            (    3.741 ms 
    2                (  4.013 ms  
    3      (   4.336 ms 
    4               (  9.043 ms  
    5           ( 68.638 ms  
    6            ( 25.409 ms  
    7            (  38.683 ms  
    8 ( 24.813 ms 
    9 ( 36.845 ms 
   10                      (    40.945 ms  
   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
    1                 (      2.556 ms  
    2                     (    3.641 ms  
    3           (     6.107 ms  
    4                    (    7.811 ms  
    5                (   58.469 ms 
    6           (  32.362 ms 
    7  border1-hssi1/      (     35.987 ms  
    8          (     33.293 ms 
    9          (     42.221 ms 
   10       (     87.002 ms 
   11     (    124.787 ms 
   12  border1-fddi0/ (   137.09 ms 
   13     (    145.582 ms 
   14  SU-CM.BARRNET.NET                    (  136.698 ms 
   15  UCB0.BARRNET.NET                     (    104.799 ms  
   16  inr-666-dmz.Berkeley.EDU             (  231.589 ms 
   17  inr-108-styx.Berkeley.EDU            (     127.806 ms 
   18  * inr-105.Berkeley.EDU               (  87.194 ms 
   19  sunny.Berkeley.EDU                   (   151.383 ms