COMPUTER AND NETWORK SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION Summer 1996 - Lesson 19 Sendmail I A. Introduction 1. RFC 821 - written in 1982 by Jonathan Postel - describes the commands and functioning of SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - the kinds of commands that we are talking about are the commands that an SMTP delivery agent must use (such as "sendmail") telnet mu 25 (or "telnet mu smtp") S: MAIL FROM:R: 250 OK S: RCPT TO: R: 250 OK S: RCPT TO: R: ... Addressee unknown S: VRFY bill R: ... User unknown S: DATA R: 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself S: Hi there, how are things going? S: See ya later, dude. S: . R: 250 OK S: QUIT 2. RFC 822 - written in 1982 by David Crocker - Standard for the format of ARPA Internet text messages - defines the syntax and contents of the mail header formats - what must be in a RETURN-PATH, FROM, SUBJECT, etc. 2. RFC 1123 - written in 1989 by the Internet Engineering Task Force - a standard that defines the requirements for Internet host software - among these are telnet, ftp, and electronic mail - written for software developers and vendors - this RFC updates the commands that MUST, and/or SHOULD exist for an SMTP program to be compliant with the standard - this part of RFC 1123 is an update of RFC 821 - some of the strategy recommendations for the SMTP: > there must be timeouts on all activities > never send error messages in response to error messages > mail that cannot be immediately sent must be queued and periodically retried > the sender must delay retrying a delivery after one attempt has failed. The retry interval should be at least 30 minutes. > retries continue until the sender gives up (generally 4-5 days) - there is a table in the RFC that summarizes the MUSTs, SHOULDs, and MAYs when writing an SMTP agent B. Mail systems 1. consist of several components 2. user agents - these are the user frontend to mail - a user agent, at a minimum, composes mail and passes it to a delivery agent - you could easily write your own user agent using RFC 822 as a guide - /bin/mail, /usr/ucb/mail, elm, pine, Eudora, etc. - some user agents have system-wide startup files: /usr/ucb/mail global is /usr/lib/Mail.rc - the SunOS 4.x default start-up file has only set append dot > append instead of pre-pend messages to mbox > allow dot on line by itself to end messages - there are many options 3. transport agents - the user agents passes the message to a transport agent - ISO official agent is built on X.400 (a directory service) book mentions used pretty much only in Europe and by US Govt.) - UNIX agents built on RFC 821 - "sendmail" is the most popular - checkered past (read page 456); two main branches: IDA (Institutionen for Datavetenskap) Sendmail ftp://uiarchive/ Sendmail V8 - The "out of the box" vendor's version of sendmail is usually very old, buggy, and a security hole! (table 21.2, page 458) - SysAdmin: you will want to install the latest sendmail you can find! (either IDA or V8) - runs suid root, is the biggest security hole on the system - CERT advisory about every six months w/ sendmail 4. delivery agent - when sendmail on the receiving end gets message, it turns it over to a local delivery agent to perform actual delivery - on UNIX systems this is /bin/mail (the same binary that is the AT&T user agent) - thus /bin/mail must run suid root, also - it has to append the message to the mailbox owned by the user - to do this /bin/mail assumes the identity of the user so the owner can read the mail and it can write across NFS boundaries - it also creates a lock file so two instances of /bin/mail won't be writing to the file at the same time - it retries every 5 seconds for up to 5 minutes (configurable) before giving up 5. addressing - route based (relative) > involves knowing every hop from here to recipient > Used in older-style UUCP "bang" (=!) addresses: fsuvax!usfvax!kremlinvax!joe@blob - location-independent (absolute) > list only the final destination - RFC 1123 strongly supports only absolute addressing > 6. mail headers From <> Mon Mar 13 09:54:56 1995 > added by /bin/mail on sed > the "From " is the key divider between messages > edit your mailbox and add a couple of line with "From " and see what happens > also need a date (or something written beyond the username) > we're working backwards in time here > /bin/mail on sed received this from the sendmail on sed at 9:54:56 Return-Path: <<>> > used to send error message back to sender, if necessary Received: from by with ESMTP ( id JAA17793; Mon, 13 Mar 1995 09:54:55 -0500 > nu is using sendmail version > sed's sendmail received this from nu's sendmail at 9:54:55 > note the -5 hour offset from GMT, this allows you to compare time stamps from different time zones > note the queue ID number - JAA17793, this is unique only to a particular machine (usually kept in /usr/spool/mqueue) Received: from by with SMTP (8.6.9/56) id JAA14637; Mon, 13 Mar 1995 09:54:51 -0500 > sed received the message from gatech at 9:54:51 > sed then routed the message to nu because there is no alias and .forward file set to > is a DNS alias (CNAME record) that points to nu Received: from by with SMTP id AA22192 (5.65c/Gatech-10.0-IDA for ); Mon, 13 Mar 1995 09:55:47 -0500 > here gatech receives the message from grep.cs (which is where Dave sent it from) > back to time 9:55:47 Received: by (8.6.9/56) id JAA11144; Mon, 13 Mar 1995 09:54:48 -0500 > here grep's sendmail receives the message from /usr/ucb/mail > looks like gatech and grep's clocks aren't in sync! Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 09:54:48 -0500 From: "D.C. Kuncicky" Message-Id: <> > note the message ID number, this is a world-wide unique identifier for the message (timestamp.queue name) To: Subject: test Status: R > this is added by my user agent as I read the message > O means I have modified my mailbox since reading the mail 7. spool directories - may be specified in sendmail and /bin/mail binaries - default is /var/spool/mail - mode 1777 - each person owns his or her own mailbox and may edit it directly - CompSci exports /var/spool/mail - NFS locking problems may cause problems if one user reads mail from two places at once - if a user receives mail on two different machines in close proximity, inconsistencies may result - trade-off for convenience (continued in "Sendmail II")