CEN4021: Software Engineering II | Spring 2010 | up ↑ |
This page will contain links to the descriptions of the assignments for the term. These pages will be updated with information about specific assignments as the term progresses. For a higher level view of the assignments to expect, and information on how the grades will be weighted in determining the term grade, see the Syllabus.
The following are to be done, delivered, and graded individually, within the context of your team project for the term. The items with an asterisk (*) are designated by the Department of Computer Science as the basis for assessment of degree program outcomes to satisfy the requirements of the State of Florida Academic Learning Compacts (SMALC) and the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Students are required to obtain a score of "effective" or higher on them in order to pass the course.
Choice of framework and tools. Each student independently evaluates the available programming languages, software frameworks, and platforms, and makes a written and oral proposal to the team.
* Teamwork. The student will be able to function effectively on a team to analyze the requirements for a software systems, and design and create a prototype implementation. A common rubric will be used to assess the quality of the student's team participation, as perceived by both team-mates and the instructor. This term we will use this rubric. You will be expected to fill it out in good faith at the end of the term for each of your teammates, under condition that only the instructor will read it.
As part of team participation you are expected to attend regular scrum meetings and give you report to the instructor and your team at that time. These reports will be a large factor in the instructor's perception of your team participation . If you have a valid excuse for absence, you may submit your report electronically, by e-mail to the team before class, copied to the instructor.
You are also expected to attend and participate in Sprint retrospective and planning meeetings, and contribute to the breakdown of user stories into tasks suitable as individual work items.
* Software Design.
Each student will produce a complete Use Case Packet for one user story. This will be turned in for individual assessment, as well as included in the team's SRS. Submission will be via the "Individual Deliverables" link on the team's Track wiki page.Data Design.
Each student will document the relevant portion of a database scheme for the user story documented in the use case packet above. This will be submitted for individual assessment, as well as included in the complete database scheme turned in as part of the team's SRS. Submission will be via the "Individual Deliverables" link on the team's Track wiki page.Implementation.
Each student will produce, test, debug, document, and submit for assessment at least one module (class and methods) of the team's project. The coding style will be consistent with the project framework, and the documentation will include in-line structured comments according to the convention of the project framework. Submission will be via the "Individual Deliverables" link on the team's Track wiki page.Testing.
Each student will produce, document, and submit for assessment a complete set of unit tests for at least one module (class and methods) of the team's project, and at least one system-level test for at least one use case (user story). The unit tests will be integrated with those of the rest of the team, to make up a regression test suite for the project. The unit tests will include comments indicating authorship. Submission will be via the "Individual Deliverables" link on the team's Track wiki page.Configuration Management.
Each student will provide evidence, in the form of a commit record in the team respository, of having used the software configuration management tool git to maintain a shared code and documentation base with the project team. (Alternate evidence may be arranged by making an appointment to demonstrate git usage to the instructor on a local repository.)If you find any discrepancy between descriptions of any assignment on different Web pages, or between Web pages and information provided in class, please contact the instructor to resolve the discrepancy.
The following are to be done, delivered, and graded as the result of teamwork, on the team website.
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