CEN4020: Software Engineering I |
Use Case Description
Instructions for Use Case Description
- Name
- Name of the use case EXACTLY as it appears on the use case
diagram. Remember the name should be a verb or verb phrase with
the first letter of each word in the name capitalized.
- ID
- The integer value assigned to the use case.
- Requirement Number
- The number of the functional requirement in section III of the
SRS that this use case satisfies. This section provides
traceability between the functional requirements and the
individual use cases.
- Description
- Brief description of the general purpose of this use
- Primary Actor
- List the person or thing that starts or triggers the execution
of the use case.
- Secondary Actor(s)
- List other persons or things who have an interest in the use
case. For example, in the video rental system a secondary actor
for entry of a new video was the video distributor's on-line database,
which the video rental store's system queries to get information
about a new video whose bar-code has been scanned in.
- Preconditions
- The necessary conditions that have to be met
before the use case can be performed. When writing a precondition,
you are making a simple assertion statement about the current
state of the world when this use case opens. The mistake in
writing preconditions is writing something that is often, but not
always, true. Example of a pre-condition: "The customer has an account"
or "The customer is already logged in."
- Postconditions
- The state of the system after the use case is
performed. These statements state what interests are satisfied
after a successful conclusion of the use case. For example, a
value delivered to the actor.
- Trigger
- Specifies the event that gets the use case started. It
precedes the first step of the normal scenario. Examples: "Customer
inserts card" and "Customer calls in complaint." Do not confuse
this with the precondition, which is a condition on the state(s)
of the actor(s) and they system, before the triggering event.
- Normal Scenario
- Each path of execution through the use case is defined as a
scenario. For every use case you will define a normal scenario
which is the path that a user is mostly likely to follow. This
normal scenario does not contain exceptions or alternative paths
of execution. This normal scenario cannot be executed unless the
pre-conditions are satisfied and needs to satisfy all requirements
of post-conditions. Instructions for formatting this normal
scenario are provided in the lecture on use case descriptions. The
steps are numbered sequentially starting at 1. The first step
should correspond to the triggering event.
- Extensions
- Extensions can be failures, exceptions, or alternative ways of
accomplishing the primary scenario's goal.
The extensions section will have multiple parts, one for each
of the branches off the main scenario. Each of the branches
will have one or more steps. Some banches will terminate the use case, and some
will jump back into the main scenario. The numbering of the
extensions should convey the step where the extension branches
off from the main scenario, e.g., a branch that occurs as an
alternative to step 5 would be numbered 5a, 5b, etc. Steps
within an extensions are numbered also, e.g., 5a.1, 5a.2, etc.
For more instructions see the lecture notes on
use case descriptions, and the examples.
Instructions for Actor Description
- Name
- Name of the actor exactly as it appears on the use case diagram. It must be a noun or noun phrase with the first letter of the name capitalized.
- Alternate Name(s)
- Alternative names this actor may be referred to in the application domain. Providing these names helps the readers to understand this document.
- Input Data
- List of the inputs to the system that this actor provides. This section must contain a list of the use cases with which this actor interacts (has a line on the use case diagram) and provides input. For each use case, list the inputs this actor provides.
- Output Data
- List of the outputs from the system that this actor receives. This section must contain a list of the use cases with which this actor interacts (has a line on the use case diagram) and receives output. For each use case, list the outputs this actor receives. Remember that every screen displayed to a user is an output,
even if it only to acknowledge completion of an action.
- Description
- Brief description of the general purpose or role of this actor.
- Comments
- Any additional information that aid in the understanding of this actor.
Grading Criteria
- Correctness
- Use Case Description
- Name does not match use case diagram
- ID does not match use case diagram
- Requirement number does not match functional requirement in Section III of the SRS.
- Description missing, incomplete, incorrect, or ambiguous.
- Pre-condition missing, incomplete, incorrect, or ambiguous.
- Post-condition - missing, incomplete, incorrect, or ambiguous.
- Trigger - missing, incomplete, incorrect, or ambiguous.
- Normal scenario - missing, incomplete, incorrect, or ambiguous.
- Scenario steps out of order
- An extension included in the normal scenario.
- Not underlying reused use cases.
- Steps written too granular (keystroke level)
- Steps written too broad (for example, rent video)
- Use of proper phrasing (for example, check whether vs. validate)
- Extensions - missing, incomplete, incorrect, or ambiguous.
- Extension steps out of order
- Extension numbering incorrect
- A normal scenario step included in the extension.
- Not underlying reused use cases.
- Extension written too granular (keystroke level)
- Extension written too broad (for example, rent video)
- Actor Description
- Name does not match use case diagram
- Actors missing or incorrect
- Obvious alternate names missing
- Input/Output data missing
- Input/Output data incorrect
- Description missing, incomplete, incorrect, or ambiguous.
- Format
- Not written in required format as provided in instructions
- Not in the table format provided.
- Normal scenario steps not written in the specified format (for example, subject-verb-direct object)
- Extensions not written in the specified format (for example, missing colon)
- Misspelled words
$Id: UseCaseDescriptionInstructions.html,v 1.1 2010/08/22 15:45:52 baker Exp baker $