Support : Introduction to Software Engineering

Multiple Choice

  1. Cost distribution is dependent on the type of system and the methodology used. However there is a general rule of thumb for cost distribution of component based systems. It is
    1. 5% Specification, 20% Development, 75% Testing
    2. 10% Specification, 40% Development, 50% Testing
    3. 20% Specification, 30% Development, 50% Testing
    4. 30% Specification, 10% Development, 60% Testing
  2. The Cost of making a specification change increases as you progress along the product development. The general rule of thumb for this cost increase is
    1. x Definition, 1.5-6 * x Development, 60-100 * x After Release
    2. x Definition, 10 * x Development, 50 * x After Release
    3. x Definition, 30 * x Development, 50 * x After Release
    4. x Definition, 10 * x Development, 60 * x, After Release
  3. Generic software does not have which one of these characteristics.
    1. developed to be sold to a range of different customers
    2. referred to as commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software
    3. may be adaptable to various hardware configurations
    4. is made for a specific customer according to their specifications
  4. BESPOKE software does not have which one of these characteristics.
    1. developed to be sold to a range of different customers
    2. may be adaptable to various hardware configurations
    3. is made for a specific customer according to their specifications
    4. may have many different people programming the software
  5. The most important characteristics of good software from the Users Perspective are
    1. Correctness, reliability, efficiency, maintainability, usability, robustness
    2. Testability, correctness, usability, compactness
    3. Consistency, understandability, testability, compactness, compatibility, integrity
    4. Testability, correctness, efficiency, maintainability
  6. The most important characteristics of good software from the Developers Perspective are
    1. Correctness, reliability, efficiency, maintainability, usability, robustness
    2. Testability, correctness, usability, compactness
    3. Consistency, understandability, testability, compactness, compatibility, integrity
    4. Testability, correctness, efficiency, maintainability
  7. The software crisis had to do with the following items ALL EXCEPT one. Select the one that did not deal with the software crisis.
    1. A term used describe the impact of rapid increases in computer power and complexity and its problems
    2. Coined by F.L. Bauer at the first NATO Software Engineering Conference in 1968
    3. Project budget overruns, project time overruns
    4. Low software quality
    5. Lack of software to meet customer requirements
    6. Code difficult to maintain
    7. Cost of hardware increases


  1. There were 4 definitions of software engineering, briefly list those definitions and note the differences.


  1. Post delivery maintenance costs have decreased during recent years.
  2. As software ages, it will get more difficult and costly to maintain.