CEN4020 Fall 2010 - Midterm Exam 2 | Name: ___________________________ |
Answer all questions, by writing on the exam pages. If you have not finished Part A within the first 20 minutes, go on to Part B. Divide your time on each part so as to cover all questions. This is a closed book exam. Once it has started, no one will be allowed to leave the room and return.
25 multiple choice or true/false questions, each question worth two points, for a total of 50 points.
The questions in this part refer to the following problem description.
[Here, there will be a paragraph describing the requirements. ]
Construct a requirements-level (application domain analysis) Class Diagram for the system, with at least [TBD] classes, at least [TBD] attributes, and at least [TBD] methods (other than CRUD). There should be at least [TBD] associations, with indication whether they are one-to-one, many-to-one, etc. Choose names appropriately, to convey the meaning. (20 points)
You will be asked to do three of the following, which three being left up to me to decide between now and the time of the examination.
Given an example of a PERT chart, answer questions about it, including identificaiton of the critical path. (10 points)
Explain use case point analysis is done, not limited to the raw use case points, and possibly work through an example. (10 points)
Given a partially completed use case description, fill in the blanks. (10 points)
Given a use case scenario, complete a scenario analysis table. (10 points)
Given a use case scenario, complete a functional test case table. (10 points)