CEN4020: Software Engineering I up↑

Individual Homework Assignment 4 (HW4)

Due Date

See course Calendar.


Practice constructing a class diagram

Practice writing a class description

Practice writing an attribute description


Using the UTC project description and previous homework solutions, create:

  1. a class diagram for the system
  2. one class description document
  3. one attribute descriptiont

You must choose the class and the attribute you describe, from your class diagram. Make sure the class you choose is complex enough to allow you have some some meaningful attributes. You are not expected to include methods at this time. In particular, do not put in any CRUD (create, read, update, delete) methods.

Examples - from the Video Rental System,

See the example class and attribute descriptions, and class diagram, in the example VRS SRS.

Templates, Instructions & Grading Criteria



Follow the general instructions for delivering homework assignments.

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