CEN4020: Software Engineering I up↑

Individual Homework Assignment 3 (HW3)

Due Date

See course Calendar.



  1. Create a complete use case description for the UTC system, covering the case where a distance student registers to take an examination.

  2. Create a complete actor description, for the distance student who is the principal actor in this use case.

  3. Create a system sequence diagram for the normal-case scenario of this use case.

Note that most of the examples you will find of sequence diagrams, including those in the notes on interaction diagrams are for applications later in the development process, during the design phase. In that later phase the entities interacting are classes. In contrast, the system sequence diagram is used in the requirements phase, and the entities interacting are not classes, but actors and the system.

Examples - from the Video Rental System

You can find examples of use descriptions and actor description in the example VRS SRS.

You can find examples of system sequence diagrams in the System sequence diagram notes.

Templates, Instructions, & Grading Criteria



Follow the general instructions for delivering homework assignments. If you cannot put it all into a single PDF file, you may submit a zip-file.

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