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Yuan Yao

Computer Science

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Zheng Zhou Foreign Language Middle School
Schiller international university
St.peterburg College
Florida State University

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mitsubishi eclipse

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Located just north of the province's center and south of the Yellow River, Zhengzhou borders Luoyang to the west, Jiaozuo to the northwest, Xinxiang to the northeast, Kaifeng to the east, Xuchang to the southeast, and Pingdingshan to the southwest. Zhengzhou is situated to the south of the Yellow River where its valley broadens into the great plain and at the eastern extremity of the Xionger Mountains. Zhengzhou is at the crossing point of the north¨Csouth route skirting the Taihang Mountains and the mountains of western Henan and the east¨Cwest route along the southern bank of the Yellow River.

The Shang Dynasty established Aodu or Bodu in Zhengzhou (see also: History of China). The pre-historical city had been long lost even before the time of the First Emperor of China. Since 1950 archaeological finds have shown that there were Neolithic settlements in the area and that the Shang Bronze Age culture, which flourished there from about 1500 BC, was centered on a walled city. Outside this city, in addition to remains of large public buildings, a complex of small settlements has been discovered. The site is generally identified with the Shang capital of Ao. The Shang, who continually moved their capital, left Ao, perhaps in the 13th century BC. The site, nevertheless, remained occupied; Zhou (post-1050 BC) tombs have also been discovered. Traditionally it is held that in the Western Zhou period (1111¨C771 BC) it became the fief of a family named Guan. From this derives the name borne by the county (xian) since the late 6th century BC ¡ª Guancheng (City of the Guan). Read more in WiKipedia

© Yuan Yao September 10,2008