Real Time Systems: Notes
Class Meeting #13: Review
Topics for Today
Check on progress of gizmo assignment
Point out
complete example of periodic gizmo-driver task
using POSIX system calls
Return and point out posted solutions to
homework assignment #2
Review topics to be covered for exam
Topics for Exam
Job and task model
define and apply terms (
, job, task, periodic task, utilization, response time, implicit deadline, relative deadline)
why is it difficult to determine? what factors may cause exec. time to vary?
"Predictability" as defined by Liu
define completion-time predictability
explain practical importance for use of WCET in scheduling analysis
which large classes of scheduling algorithms are predictable?
can you give an example that is not?
Clock-driven scheduling:
define and use terms: cyclic schedule, frame, minor cycle, major cycle, hyper-period
construct a cyclic schedule for a periodic task set
explain pro's and con's of clock-driven static scheduling
Preemptive vs. non-preemptive scheduling
define and apply terms "preemptive" and "non-preemptive"
explains pro's and con's of preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling
Preemptive fixed-task-priority scheduling
define and use terms: "critical instant", "critical zone", "level-
busy interval"
state and apply Critical Instant Theorem for periodic tasks
state worst-case response-time equation
apply response-time equation, iteratively, to examples
Rate-monotonic and deadline-monotonic scheduling
understand and apply terms: "rate monotonic", "deadline monotonic", "harmonic periods"
state and apply optimality results for RM/DM scheduling
for harmonid periods
for general case
state and apply utilization bound
Things for You to Do
Review for first midterm exam
T. P. Baker
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