Real-Time Systems: Notes

Preparation for Final Examination


The exam will be held in 103 Love 7:30AM-9:30AM on Friday, 12 December. It will be "closed book".

The format of the examination will be similar to that of the midterm, except that since you have two hours to answer it will have approximately twice as many questions. Please see the midterm preparation notes and the actual midterm examination for examples.


The examination will be comprehensive, touching on topics we covered in class both before and since the midterm examinatino. However, my intent is to devote more questions (a ratio of about 2:1) to topics that were not covered on the midterm exam.

Please see the class notes (left column) for the list of main topics we covered this term.

Since the midterm examination, we have spend a lot of time on rate monotonic analysis, including the treatment of critical sections and other generalizations, and especially on aperiodic server scheduling (both fixed priority and deadline). You should expect a proportional amount of coverage on the examination. In particular, you should be able to do examples of all the techniques covered in the rate monotonic analysis tutorial and case study, and you should be able to both explain and apply all of the aperiodic server scheduling algorithms we have covered.

The exam will not cover much detail on queuing theory, though you should be able to explain what it is, and how it is applied in the analysis of response times of aperiodic tasks.

© 2003 T. P. Baker. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission. ($Id: finalprep.html,v 1.1 2008/08/25 11:18:48 baker Exp baker $)